96:1Read: In the Name of your Lord who created.

96:2Created man from a clot.

96:3Read: And your Lord is the Most Generous.

96:4He who taught by the pen.

96:5Taught man what he never knew.

96:6In fact, man oversteps all bounds.

96:7When he considers himself exempt.

96:8But to your Lord is the return.

96:9Have you seen him who prevents?

96:10A servant when he prays?

96:11Do you think he is upon guidance?

96:12Or advocates righteousness?

96:13Do you see how he disbelieved and turned away?

96:14Does he not know that God sees?

96:15No. If he does not desist, We will drag him by the forelock.

96:16A deceitful, sinful forelock.

96:17Let him call on his gang.

96:18We will call the Guards.

96:19No, do not obey him; but kneel down, and come near.