23 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Yunus (Jonas)

10:11If God were to accelerate the ill for the people, as they wish to accelerate the good, their term would have been fulfilled. But We leave those who do not expect Our encounter to blunder in their excesses.

10:12Whenever adversity touches the human being, he prays to Us—reclining on his side, or sitting, or standing. But when We have relieved his adversity from him, he goes away, as though he had never called on Us for trouble that had afflicted him. Thus the deeds of the transgressors appear good to them.

10:14Then We made you successors on earth after them, to see how you would behave.

10:16Say, “Had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, and He would not have made it known to you. I have lived among you for a lifetime before it. Do you not understand?”

10:19Mankind was a single community; then they differed. Were it not for a prior decree from your Lord, the matters over which they had disputed would have been settled.

10:24The likeness of the present life is this: water that We send down from the sky is absorbed by the plants of the earth, from which the people and the animals eat. Until, when the earth puts on its fine appearance, and is beautified, and its inhabitants think that they have mastered it, Our command descends upon it by night or by day, and We turn it into stubble, as if it had not flourished the day before. We thus clarify the revelations for people who reflect.

10:26For those who have done good is goodness, and more. Neither gloom nor shame will come over their faces. These are the inhabitants of Paradise, abiding therein forever.

10:27As for those who have earned evil deeds: a reward of similar evil, and shame will cover them. They will have no defense against God—as if their faces are covered with dark patches of night. These are the inmates of the Fire, abiding therein forever.

10:37This Quran could not have been produced by anyone other than God. In fact, it is a confirmation of what preceded it, and an elaboration of the Book. There is no doubt about it—it is from the Lord of the Universe.

10:41If they accuse you of lying, say, “I have my deeds, and you have your deeds. You are quit of what I do, and I am quit of what you do.”

10:49Say, “I have no power to harm or benefit myself, except as God wills. To every nation is an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they can neither postpone it by one hour, nor advance it.

10:50Say, “Have you considered? If His punishment overtakes you by night or by day, what part of it will the guilty seek to hasten?”

10:59Say, “Have you considered the sustenance God has sent down for you, some of which you made unlawful, and some lawful?” Say, “Did God give you permission, or do you fabricate lies and attribute them to God?”

10:62Unquestionably, God’s friends have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.

10:68And they said, “God has taken a son.” Be He glorified. He is the Self-Sufficient. His is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Do you have any proof for this? Or are you saying about God what you do not know?

10:71And relate to them the story of Noah, when he said to his people, “O my people, if my presence among you and my reminding you of God’s signs is too much for you, then in God I have put my trust. So come to a decision, you and your partners, and do not let the matter perplex you; then carry out your decision on me, and do not hold back.”

10:72“But if you turn away, I have not asked you for any wage. My wage falls only on God, and I was commanded to be of those who submit.”

10:80And when the sorcerers came, Moses said to them, “Throw whatever you have to throw.”

10:84Moses said, “O my people, if you have believed in God, then put your trust in Him, if you have submitted.”

10:85They said, “In God we have put our trust. Our Lord, do not make us victims of the oppressive people.”

10:88Moses said, “Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the worldly life. Our Lord, for them to lead away from Your path. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth, and harden their hearts, they will not believe until they see the painful torment.”

10:91Now? When you have rebelled before, and been of the mischief-makers?

10:99Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Will you compel people to become believers?