27 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Hud (Hud)

11:3“And ask your Lord for forgiveness, and repent to Him. He will provide you with good sustenance until a stated term, and will bestow His grace on every possessor of virtue. But if you turn away, then I fear for you the punishment of a grievous Day.”

11:7It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days—and His Throne was upon the waters—in order to test you—which of you is best in conduct. And if you were to say, “You will be resurrected after death,” those who disbelieve would say, “This is nothing but plain witchcraft.”

11:17Is he who possesses a clear proof from his Lord, recited by a witness from Him, and before it the Book of Moses, a guide and a mercy? These believe in it. But whoever defies it from among the various factions, the Fire is his promise. So have no doubt about it. It is the truth from your Lord, but most people do not believe.

11:25We sent Noah to his people, “I am to you a clear warner.”

11:27The notables who disbelieved among his people said, “We see in you nothing but a man like us, and we see that only the worst among us have followed you, those of immature judgment. And we see that you have no advantage over us. In fact, we think you are liars.”

11:38As he was building the ark, whenever some of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him. He said, “If you ridicule us, we will ridicule you, just as you ridicule.”

11:42And so it sailed with them amidst waves like hills. And Noah called to his son, who had kept away, “On my son! Embark with us, and do not be with the disbelievers.”

11:45And Noah called to his Lord. He said, “O My Lord, my son is of my family, and Your promise is true, and You are the Wisest of the wise.”

11:49These are some stories from the past that we reveal to you. Neither you, nor your people knew them before this. So be patient. The future belongs to the pious.

11:59That was Aad; they denied the signs of their Lord, and defied His messengers, and followed the lead of every stubborn tyrant.

11:60And they were pursued by a curse in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Aad blasphemed against their Lord—so away with Aad, the people of Hud.

11:61And to Thamood, their brother Saleh. He said, “O my people, worship God, you have no god other than Him. He initiated you from the earth, and settled you in it. So seek His forgiveness, and repent to Him. My Lord is Near and Responsive.”

11:62They said, “O Saleh, we had hopes in you before this. Are you trying to prevent us from worshiping what our parents worship? We are in serious doubt regarding what you are calling us to.”

11:64“O my people, this is the she-camel of God, a sign for you. Let her graze on God’s land, and do not harm her, lest an imminent punishment overtakes you.”

11:65But they hamstrung her, and so He said, “Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. This is a prophecy that is infallible.”

11:71His wife was standing by, so she laughed. And We gave her good news of Isaac; and after Isaac, Jacob.

11:72She said, “Alas for me. Shall I give birth, when I am an old woman, and this, my husband, is an old man? This is truly a strange thing.”

11:76“O Abraham, refrain from this. The command of your Lord has come; they have incurred an irreversible punishment.”

11:77And when Our envoys came to Lot, he was anxious for them, and concerned for them. He said, “This is a dreadful day.”

11:78And his people came rushing towards him—they were in the habit of committing sins. He said, “O my people, these are my daughters; they are purer for you. So fear God, and do not embarrass me before my guests. Is there not one reasonable man among you?”

11:97To Pharaoh and his nobles, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not wise.

11:98He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will lead them into the Fire. Miserable is the place he placed them in.

11:99They were followed by a curse in this, and on the Day of Resurrection. Miserable is the path they followed.

11:102Such is the grip of your Lord when He seizes the towns in the midst of their sins. His grip is most painful, most severe.

11:105On the Day when it arrives, no soul will speak without His permission. Some will be miserable, and some will be happy.

11:114Perform the prayer at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember.

11:120Everything We narrate to you of the history of the messengers is to strengthen your heart therewith. The truth has come to you in this, and a lesson, and a reminder for the believers.