4 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Hud (Hud)

11:18Who does greater wrong than he who fabricates lies about God? These will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, “These are they who lied about their Lord.” Indeed, the curse of God is upon the wrongdoers.

11:41He said, “Embark in it. In the name of God shall be its sailing and its anchorage. My Lord is indeed Forgiving and Merciful.”

11:60And they were pursued by a curse in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Aad blasphemed against their Lord—so away with Aad, the people of Hud.

11:68As if they had never prospered therein. Indeed, Thamood rejected their Lord, so away with Thamood.