56 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Hud (Hud)

11:3“And ask your Lord for forgiveness, and repent to Him. He will provide you with good sustenance until a stated term, and will bestow His grace on every possessor of virtue. But if you turn away, then I fear for you the punishment of a grievous Day.”

11:5They wrap their chests to hide from Him. But even as they cover themselves with their clothes, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. He knows what lies within the hearts.

11:7It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days—and His Throne was upon the waters—in order to test you—which of you is best in conduct. And if you were to say, “You will be resurrected after death,” those who disbelieve would say, “This is nothing but plain witchcraft.”

11:9If We give the human being a taste of mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, he becomes despairing and ungrateful.

11:10And if We give him a taste of prosperity, after some adversity has afflicted him, he will say, “Troubles have gone away from me.” He becomes excited and proud.

11:12Perhaps you wish to disregard some of what is revealed to you, and you may be stressed because of it, since they say, “If only a treasure was sent down to him, or an angel came with him.” You are only a warner, and God is Responsible for all things.

11:14But if they fail to answer you, know that it was revealed with God’s knowledge, and that there is no god but He. Will you then submit?

11:21Those are the ones who lost their souls, and what they had invented has strayed away from them.

11:23As for those who believe and do good deeds, and humble themselves before their Lord—these are the inhabitants of Paradise, where they will abide forever.

11:28He said, “O my people, Have you considered? If I stand on clear evidence from my Lord, and He has given me a mercy from Himself, but you were blind to it, can we compel you to accept it, even though you dislike it?”

11:29“O my people! I ask of you no money for it. My reward lies only with God. And I am not about to dismiss those who believed; they will surely meet their Lord. And I see that you are ignorant people.”

11:31“I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the future, nor do I say that I am an angel. Nor do I say of those who are despicable in your eyes that God will never give them any good. God is Aware of what lies in their souls. If I did, I would be one of the wrongdoers.”

11:34“My advice will not benefit you, much as I may want to advise you, if God desires to confound you. He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned.”

11:36And it was revealed to Noah: “None of your people will believe, except those who have already believed, so do not grieve over what they do.”

11:38As he was building the ark, whenever some of his people passed by him, they ridiculed him. He said, “If you ridicule us, we will ridicule you, just as you ridicule.”

11:39“You will surely know upon whom will come a torment that will abase him, and upon whom will fall a lasting torment.”

11:40Until, when Our command came, and the volcano erupted, We said, “Board into it a pair of every kind, and your family—except those against whom the sentence has already been passed—and those who have believed.” But those who believed with him were only a few.

11:43He said, “I will take refuge on a mountain—it will protect me from the water.” He said, “There is no protection from God’s decree today, except for him on whom He has mercy.” And the waves surged between them, and he was among the drowned.

11:44And it was said, “O earth, swallow your waters,” and “O heaven, clear up.” And the waters receded, and the event was concluded, and it settled on Judi, and it was proclaimed: “Away with the wicked people.”

11:46He said, “O Noah, he is not of your family. It is an unrighteous deed. So do not ask Me about something you know nothing about. I admonish you, lest you be one of the ignorant.”

11:47He said, “O My Lord, I seek refuge with You, from asking You about what I have no knowledge of. Unless You forgive me, and have mercy on me, I will be one of the losers.”

11:48It was said, “O Noah, disembark with peace from Us; and with blessings upon you, and upon communities from those with you. And other communities We will grant prosperity, and then a painful torment from Us will befall them.”

11:49These are some stories from the past that we reveal to you. Neither you, nor your people knew them before this. So be patient. The future belongs to the pious.

11:51“O my people, I ask you no wage for it; my wage lies with Him who originated me. Do you not understand?”

11:52“O my people, ask forgiveness from your Lord, and repent to Him. He will release the sky pouring down upon you, and will add strength to your strength. And do not turn away and be wicked.”

11:54“We only say that some of our gods have possessed you with evil.” He said, “I call God to witness, and you to witness, that I am innocent of what you associate.

11:57If you turn away, I have conveyed to you what I was sent to you with; and my Lord will replace you with another people, and you will not cause Him any harm. My Lord is Guardian over all things.”

11:59That was Aad; they denied the signs of their Lord, and defied His messengers, and followed the lead of every stubborn tyrant.

11:60And they were pursued by a curse in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Aad blasphemed against their Lord—so away with Aad, the people of Hud.

11:63He said, “O my people, have you considered? If I stand upon clear evidence from my Lord, and He has given me mercy from Him, who would protect me from God, if I disobeyed Him? You add nothing for me except loss.”

11:68As if they had never prospered therein. Indeed, Thamood rejected their Lord, so away with Thamood.

11:69Our messengers came to Abraham with good news. They said, “Peace.” He said, “Peace.” Soon after, he came with a roasted calf.

11:71His wife was standing by, so she laughed. And We gave her good news of Isaac; and after Isaac, Jacob.

11:72She said, “Alas for me. Shall I give birth, when I am an old woman, and this, my husband, is an old man? This is truly a strange thing.”

11:75Abraham was gentle, kind, penitent.

11:76“O Abraham, refrain from this. The command of your Lord has come; they have incurred an irreversible punishment.”

11:77And when Our envoys came to Lot, he was anxious for them, and concerned for them. He said, “This is a dreadful day.”

11:78And his people came rushing towards him—they were in the habit of committing sins. He said, “O my people, these are my daughters; they are purer for you. So fear God, and do not embarrass me before my guests. Is there not one reasonable man among you?”

11:84And to Median, their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, worship God; you have no god other than Him. And do not short measure or short weight. I see you in good circumstances, but I fear for you the agony of an encompassing Day.”

11:85“O my people! Give full measure and full weight, in all fairness, and do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not spread corruption in the land.

11:88He said, “O my people, have you considered? What if I have clear evidence from my Lord, and He has given me good livelihood from Himself? I have no desire to do what I forbid you from doing. I desire nothing but reform, as far as I can. My success lies only with God. In Him I trust, and to Him I turn.”

11:89“O my people, let not your hostility towards me cause you to suffer what was suffered by the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Saleh. The people of Lot are not far away from you.”

11:90“And ask your Lord for forgiveness, and repent to Him. My Lord is Merciful and Loving.”

11:93“O my people, do as you may, and so will I. You will know to whom will come a punishment that will shame him, and who is a liar. So look out; I am on the lookout with you.”

11:94And when Our command came, We saved Shuaib and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us, and the Blast struck the wrongdoers, and they became motionless bodies in their homes.

11:95As though they never flourished therein. Away with Median, as was done away with Thamood.

11:97To Pharaoh and his nobles, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not wise.

11:106As for those who are miserable, they will be in the Fire. They will have therein sighing and wailing.

11:107Remaining therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills. Your Lord is Doer of whatever He wills.

11:108And as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, remaining therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills—a reward without end.

11:109So be not in doubt regarding what these people worship. They worship only as their ancestors worshiped before. We will pay them their due in full, without any reduction.

11:110We gave Moses the Scripture, but it was disputed. Were it not for a prior word from your Lord, it would have been settled between them. They are in serious doubt concerning it.

11:112So be upright, as you are commanded, along with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is Seeing of everything you do.

11:115And be patient. God will not waste the reward of the virtuous.

11:119Except those on whom your Lord has mercy—for that reason He created them. The Word of your Lord is final: “I will fill Hell with jinn and humans, altogether.”

11:120Everything We narrate to you of the history of the messengers is to strengthen your heart therewith. The truth has come to you in this, and a lesson, and a reminder for the believers.