20 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Hud (Hud)

11:7It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days—and His Throne was upon the waters—in order to test you—which of you is best in conduct. And if you were to say, “You will be resurrected after death,” those who disbelieve would say, “This is nothing but plain witchcraft.”

11:13Or do they say, “He invented it?” Say, “Then produce ten chapters like it, invented, and call upon whomever you can, besides God, if you are truthful.”

11:18Who does greater wrong than he who fabricates lies about God? These will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, “These are they who lied about their Lord.” Indeed, the curse of God is upon the wrongdoers.

11:24The parable of the two groups is that of the blind and the deaf, and the seeing and the hearing. Are they equal in comparison? Will you not reflect?

11:30“O my people! Who will support me against God, if I dismiss them? Will you not give a thought?”

11:32They said, “O Noah, you have argued with us, and argued a great deal. Now bring upon us what you threaten us with, if you are truthful.”

11:33He said, “It is God who will bring it upon you, if He wills, and you will not be able to escape.”

11:35Or do they say, “He made it up?” Say, “If I made it up, upon me falls my crime, and I am innocent of the crimes you commit.”

11:39“You will surely know upon whom will come a torment that will abase him, and upon whom will fall a lasting torment.”

11:40Until, when Our command came, and the volcano erupted, We said, “Board into it a pair of every kind, and your family—except those against whom the sentence has already been passed—and those who have believed.” But those who believed with him were only a few.

11:44And it was said, “O earth, swallow your waters,” and “O heaven, clear up.” And the waters receded, and the event was concluded, and it settled on Judi, and it was proclaimed: “Away with the wicked people.”

11:48It was said, “O Noah, disembark with peace from Us; and with blessings upon you, and upon communities from those with you. And other communities We will grant prosperity, and then a painful torment from Us will befall them.”

11:52“O my people, ask forgiveness from your Lord, and repent to Him. He will release the sky pouring down upon you, and will add strength to your strength. And do not turn away and be wicked.”

11:63He said, “O my people, have you considered? If I stand upon clear evidence from my Lord, and He has given me mercy from Him, who would protect me from God, if I disobeyed Him? You add nothing for me except loss.”

11:73They said, “Do you marvel at the decree of God? The mercy and blessings of God are upon you, O people of the house. He is Praiseworthy and Glorious.”

11:80He said, “If only I had the strength to stop you, or could rely on some strong support.”

11:82And when Our command came about, We turned it upside down, and We rained down on it stones of baked clay.

11:85“O my people! Give full measure and full weight, in all fairness, and do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not spread corruption in the land.

11:112So be upright, as you are commanded, along with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is Seeing of everything you do.

11:116If only there were, among the generations before you, people with wisdom, who spoke against corruption on earth—except for the few whom We saved. But the wrongdoers pursued the luxuries they were indulged in, and thus became guilty.