16 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Hijr (The Rock)

15:15They would still say, “Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched.”

15:25It is your Lord who will gather them together. He is the Wise, the Knowing.

15:28Your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud.”

15:40“Except for Your sincere servants among them.”

15:57He said, “So what is your business, O envoys?”

15:65“Travel with your family at the dead of the night, and follow up behind them, and let none of you look back, and proceed as commanded.”

15:66And We informed him of Our decree: the last remnant of these will be uprooted by early morning.

15:72By your life, they were blundering in their drunkenness.

15:81We gave them Our revelations, but they turned away from them.

15:85We did not create the heavens and the earth, and what lies between them, except with truth. The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness.

15:86Your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator.

15:88Do not extend your eyes towards what We have bestowed on some couples of them to enjoy, and do not grieve over them, and lower your wing to the believers.

15:92By your Lord, we will question them all.

15:97We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say.

15:98So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down.

15:99And worship your Lord in order to attain certainty.