23 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Hijr (The Rock)

15:3Leave them to eat, and enjoy, and be lulled by hope. They will find out.

15:5No nation can bring its time forward, nor can they delay it.

15:6And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”

15:8We do not send the angels down except with reason, and they will not be held back.

15:11But no messenger came to them, but they ridiculed him.

15:13They do not believe in it, though the ways of the ancients have passed away.

15:14Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.

15:15They would still say, “Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched.”

15:36He said, “My Lord, reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.”

15:48No fatigue will ever touch them therein, nor will they be asked to leave it.

15:52When they entered upon him, and said, “Peace.” He said, “We are wary of you.”

15:53They said, “Do not fear; we bring you good news of a boy endowed with knowledge.”

15:55They said, “We bring you good news in truth, so do not despair.”

15:58They said, “We were sent to a sinful people.”

15:63They said, “We bring you what they have doubts about.”

15:70They said, “Did we not forbid you from strangers?”

15:72By your life, they were blundering in their drunkenness.

15:81We gave them Our revelations, but they turned away from them.

15:82They used to carve homes in the mountains, feeling secure.

15:84All they had acquired was of no avail to them.

15:93About what they used to do.

15:96Those who set up another god with God. They will come to know.

15:97We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say.