10 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Hijr (The Rock)

15:1Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the Verses of the Book; a Quran that makes things clear.

15:7Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are truthful?”

15:14Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.

15:16We placed constellations in the sky, and made them beautiful to the beholders.

15:23It is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritors.

15:49Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, the Merciful.

15:60“Except for his wife.” We have determined that she will be of those who lag behind.

15:71He said, “These are my daughters, if you must.”

15:72By your life, they were blundering in their drunkenness.

15:98So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down.