31 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Hijr (The Rock)

15:2Perhaps those who disbelieve would like to become Muslims.

15:4We have never destroyed a town unless it had a set time.

15:5No nation can bring its time forward, nor can they delay it.

15:6And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”

15:9Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.

15:10We sent others before you, to the former communities.

15:11But no messenger came to them, but they ridiculed him.

15:19We spread the earth, and placed stabilizers in it, and in it We grew all things in proper measure.

15:21There is not a thing but with Us are its stores, and We send it down only in precise measure.

15:29“When I have formed him, and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down prostrating before him.”

15:35“And the curse will be upon you until the Day of Judgment.”

15:36He said, “My Lord, reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.”

15:38“Until the Day of the time appointed.”

15:39He said, “My Lord, since You have lured me away, I will glamorize for them on earth, and I will lure them all away.”

15:41He said, “This is a right way with Me.”

15:43And Hell is the meeting-place for them all.

15:49Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, the Merciful.

15:50And that My punishment is the painful punishment.

15:54He said, “Do you bring me good news, when old age has overtaken me? What good news do you bring?”

15:56He said, “And who despairs of his Lord’s mercy but the lost?”

15:61And when the envoys came to the family of Lot.

15:62He said, “You are a people unknown to me.”

15:66And We informed him of Our decree: the last remnant of these will be uprooted by early morning.

15:67And the people of the town came joyfully.

15:68He said, “These are my guests, so do not embarrass me.”

15:69“And fear God, and do not disgrace me.”

15:79So We took revenge upon them. Both are clearly documented.

15:80The people of the Rock also rejected the messengers.

15:82They used to carve homes in the mountains, feeling secure.

15:88Do not extend your eyes towards what We have bestowed on some couples of them to enjoy, and do not grieve over them, and lower your wing to the believers.

15:96Those who set up another god with God. They will come to know.