42 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Nahl (The Bee)

16:2He sends down the angels with the Spirit by His command, upon whom He wills of His servants: “Give warning that there is no god but Me, and fear Me.”

16:9It is for God to point out the paths, but some of them are flawed. Had He willed, He could have guided you all.

16:17Is He who creates like him who does not create? Will you not take a lesson?

16:18And if you tried to enumerate the favors of God, you will not be able to count them. God is Forgiving and Merciful.

16:21They are dead, not alive; and they do not know when they will be resurrected.

16:27Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them, and say, “Where are My associates for whose sake you used to dispute?” Those who were given knowledge will say, “Today shame and misery are upon the disbelievers.”

16:28Those wronging their souls while the angels are taking them away—they will propose peace: “We did no wrong.” Yes you did. God is aware of what you used to do.”

16:30And it will be said to those who maintained piety, “What has your Lord revealed?” They will say, “Goodness.” To those who do good in this world is goodness, and the Home of the Hereafter is even better. How wonderful is the residence of the pious.

16:31The Gardens of Perpetuity, which they will enter, beneath which rivers flow, where they will have whatever they desire. Thus God rewards the pious.

16:32Those who are in a wholesome state when the angels take them—will say, “Peace be upon you; enter Paradise, for what you used to do.”

16:35The idolaters say, “Had God willed, we would not have worshiped anything besides Him, neither us, nor our ancestors, nor would we have prohibited anything besides His prohibitions.” Those before them did likewise. Are the messengers responsible for anything but clear communication?

16:37Even though you may be concerned about their guidance, God does not guide those who misguide. And they will have no saviors.

16:38And they swear by God with their most solemn oaths, “God will not resurrect anyone who dies.” Yes indeed, it is a promise binding on Him, but most people do not know.

16:41Those who emigrate for God’s sake after being persecuted, We will settle them in a good place in this world; but the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew.

16:45Do those who scheme evils feel secure that God will not cause the earth to cave in with them, or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not perceive?

16:46Or that He will not seize them during their activities? And they will not be able to prevent it.

16:47Or that He will not seize them while in dread? Your Lord is Gentle and Merciful.

16:55To show ingratitude for what We have given them. Enjoy yourselves. You will soon know.

16:56And they allocate, to something they do not know, a share of what We have provided for them. By God, you will be questioned about what you have been inventing.

16:61If God were to hold mankind for their injustices, He would not leave upon it a single creature, but He postpones them until an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they will not delay it by one hour, nor will they advance it.

16:62And they attribute to God what they themselves dislike, while their tongues utter the lie that theirs is the goodness. Without a doubt, for them is the Fire, and they will be neglected.

16:63By God, We sent messengers to communities before you, but Satan made their deeds appear alluring to them. He is their master today, and they will have a painful punishment.

16:70God created you; then He takes you away. Some of you will be brought back to the worst age, so that he will no longer know anything, after having acquired knowledge. God is Omniscient and Omnipotent.

16:71God has favored some of you over others in livelihood. Those who are favored would not give their properties to their servants, to the extent of making them partners in it. Will they then renounce God’s blessings?

16:72God has given you mates from among yourselves; and has produced for you, from your mates, children and grandchildren; and has provided you with good things. Will they then believe in falsehood, and refuse God’s favors?

16:84On the Day when We raise up a witness from every community—those who disbelieved will not be permitted, nor will they be excused.

16:85When those who did wrong see the punishment, it will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.

16:86And when the idolaters see their associates, they will say, “Our Lord, these are our associates whom we used to invoke besides You.” They will strike back at them with the saying, “Surely you are liars.”

16:87On that Day they will offer their submission to God, and what they had invented will abandon them.

16:88Those who disbelieve and obstruct from God’s path—We will add punishment to their punishment, on account of the mischief they used to make.

16:92And do not be like her who unravels her yarn, breaking it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly. Nor use your oaths as means of deception among you, because one community is more prosperous than another. God is testing you thereby. On the Day of Resurrection, He will make clear to you everything you had disputed about.

16:93Had God willed, He would have made you one congregation, but He leaves astray whom He wills, and He guides whom He wills. And you will surely be questioned about what you used to do.

16:96What you have runs out, but what is with God remains. We will reward those who are patient according to the best of their deeds.

16:97Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while being a believer, We will grant him a good life—and We will reward them according to the best of what they used to do.

16:104Those who do not believe in God’s revelations—God will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment.

16:106Whoever renounces faith in God after having believed—except for someone who is compelled, while his heart rests securely in faith—but whoever willingly opens up his heart to disbelief—upon them falls wrath from God, and for them is a tremendous torment.

16:109There is no doubt that in the Hereafter they will be the losers.

16:111On the Day when every soul will come pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and they will not be wronged.

16:116And do not say of falsehood asserted by your tongues, “This is lawful, and this is unlawful,” in order to invent lies and attribute them to God. Those who invent lies and attribute them to God will not succeed.

16:117A brief enjoyment—then they will have a painful punishment.

16:122And We gave him goodness in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous.

16:124The Sabbath was decreed only for those who differed about it. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences.