28 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Nahl (The Bee)

16:4He created the human being from a drop of fluid, yet he becomes an open adversary.

16:10It is He Who sends down for you from the sky water. From it is drink, and with it grows vegetation for grazing.

16:14And it is He who made the sea to serve you, that you may eat from it tender meat, and extract from it ornaments that you wear. And you see the ships plowing through it, as you seek His bounties, so that you may give thanks.

16:26Those before them also schemed, but God took their structures from the foundations, and the roof caved in on them. The punishment came at them from where they did not perceive.

16:45Do those who scheme evils feel secure that God will not cause the earth to cave in with them, or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not perceive?

16:48Have they not observed what God has created? Their shadows revolve from the right and the left, bowing to God as they shrink away.

16:53Whatever blessing you have is from God. And when harm touches you, it is to Him that you groan.

16:54But when He lifts the harm from you, some of you associate others with their Lord.

16:59He hides from the people because of the bad news given to him. Shall he keep it in humiliation, or bury it in the dust? Evil is the decision they make.

16:65God sends down water from the sky, with which He revives the earth after its death. In this is a sign for people who listen.

16:66And there is a lesson for you in cattle: We give you a drink from their bellies, from between waste and blood, pure milk, refreshing to the drinkers.

16:67And from the fruits of date-palms and grapevines, you derive sugar and wholesome food. In this is a sign for people who understand.

16:69Then eat of all the fruits, and go along the pathways of your Lord, with precision. From their bellies emerges a fluid of diverse colors, containing healing for the people. Surely in this is a sign for people who reflect.

16:72God has given you mates from among yourselves; and has produced for you, from your mates, children and grandchildren; and has provided you with good things. Will they then believe in falsehood, and refuse God’s favors?

16:75God cites the example of a bonded slave, who has no power over anything; and someone to whom We have given plentiful provision, from which he gives secretly and openly. Are they equal in comparison? All praise belongs to God, but most of them do not know.

16:80And God has given you in your homes habitats for you, and has provided for you out of the hides of livestock portable homes for you, so you can use them when you travel, and when you camp; and from their wool, and fur, and hair, furnishings and comfort for a while.

16:81And God has made for you shade out of what He has created, and has given you resorts in the mountains, and has given you garments to protect you from the heat, and garments to protect you from your violence. Thus He completes His blessings upon you, so that you may submit.

16:84On the Day when We raise up a witness from every community—those who disbelieved will not be permitted, nor will they be excused.

16:88Those who disbelieve and obstruct from God’s path—We will add punishment to their punishment, on account of the mischief they used to make.

16:89On the Day when We raise in every community a witness against them, from among them, and bring you as a witness against these. We have revealed to you the Book, as an explanation of all things, and guidance, and mercy and good news for those who submit.

16:94And do not use your oaths to deceive one another, so that a foot may not slip after being firm, and you taste misery because you hindered from God’s path, and incur a terrible torment.

16:98When you read the Quran, seek refuge with God from Satan the outcast.

16:102Say, “The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord, truthfully, in order to stabilize those who believe, and as guidance and good news for those who submit.”

16:106Whoever renounces faith in God after having believed—except for someone who is compelled, while his heart rests securely in faith—but whoever willingly opens up his heart to disbelief—upon them falls wrath from God, and for them is a tremendous torment.

16:112And God cites the example of a town that was secure and peaceful, with its livelihood coming to it abundantly from every direction. But then it turned unappreciative of God’s blessings, so God made it taste the robe of hunger and fear, because of what they used to craft.

16:113A messenger from among them had come to them, but they denounced him, so the punishment seized them in the midst of their wrongdoing.

16:125Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and debate with them in the most dignified manner. Your Lord is aware of those who stray from His path, and He is aware of those who are guided.

16:127So be patient. Your patience is solely from God. And do not grieve over them, and do not be stressed by their schemes.