17 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Nahl (The Bee)

16:8And the horses, and the mules, and the donkeys—for you to ride, and for luxury. And He creates what you do not know.

16:19And God knows what you hide and what you disclose.

16:21They are dead, not alive; and they do not know when they will be resurrected.

16:23Without a doubt, God knows what they conceal and what they reveal. He does not like the arrogant.

16:25So let them carry their loads complete on the Day of Resurrection, and some of the loads of those they misguided without knowledge. Evil is what they carry.

16:27Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them, and say, “Where are My associates for whose sake you used to dispute?” Those who were given knowledge will say, “Today shame and misery are upon the disbelievers.”

16:38And they swear by God with their most solemn oaths, “God will not resurrect anyone who dies.” Yes indeed, it is a promise binding on Him, but most people do not know.

16:39To clarify for them what they differed about, and for the faithless to know that they were liars.

16:43We did not send before you except men whom We inspired. So ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know.

16:55To show ingratitude for what We have given them. Enjoy yourselves. You will soon know.

16:56And they allocate, to something they do not know, a share of what We have provided for them. By God, you will be questioned about what you have been inventing.

16:70God created you; then He takes you away. Some of you will be brought back to the worst age, so that he will no longer know anything, after having acquired knowledge. God is Omniscient and Omnipotent.

16:74So do not cite the examples for God. God knows, and you do not know.

16:75God cites the example of a bonded slave, who has no power over anything; and someone to whom We have given plentiful provision, from which he gives secretly and openly. Are they equal in comparison? All praise belongs to God, but most of them do not know.

16:78God brought you out of your mothers’ wombs, not knowing anything; and He gave you the hearing, and the eyesight, and the brains; that you may give thanks.

16:91Fulfill God’s covenant when you make a covenant, and do not break your oaths after ratifying them. You have made God your guarantor, and God knows what you do.

16:101When We substitute a verse in place of another verse—and God knows best what He reveals—they say, “You are an impostor.” But most of them do not know.