49 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Israa (The Night Journey)

17:2And We gave Moses the Scripture, and made it a guide for the Children of Israel: Take none for protector other than Me.

17:5When the first of the two promises came true, We sent against you servants of Ours, possessing great might, and they ransacked your homes. It was a promise fulfilled.

17:6Then We gave you back your turn against them, and supplied you with wealth and children, and made you more numerous.

17:7If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for yourselves; and if you commit evil, you do so against yourselves. Then, when the second promise comes true, they will make your faces filled with sorrow, and enter the Temple as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy all that falls into their power.

17:8Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you. But if you revert, We will revert. We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.

17:10And those who do not believe in the Hereafter—We have prepared for them a painful punishment.

17:15Whoever is guided—is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray—goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger.

17:16When We decide to destroy a town, We command its affluent ones, they transgress in it, so the word becomes justified against it, and We destroy it completely.

17:18Whoever desires the fleeting life, We expedite for him what We decide to give him, to whomever We desire. Then We consign him to Hell, where he will roast, condemned and defeated.

17:21See how We have favored some of them over others; yet the Hereafter is greater in ranks, and greater in favors.

17:22Do not set up another god with God, lest you become condemned and damned.

17:24And lower to them the wing of humility, out of mercy, and say, “My Lord, have mercy on them, as they raised me when I was a child.”

17:28But if you turn away from them, seeking mercy from your Lord which you hope for, then say to them words of comfort.

17:30Your Lord expands the provision for whomever He wills, and restricts it. He is fully Informed, Observant of His servants.

17:32And do not come near adultery. It is immoral, and an evil way.

17:33And do not kill the soul which God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. If someone is killed unjustly, We have given his next of kin certain authority. But he should not be excessive in killing, for he will be supported.

17:35And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with accurate scales. That is fair, and the best determination.

17:39That is some of the wisdom your Lord has revealed to you. Do not set up with God another god, or else you will be thrown in Hell, rebuked and banished.

17:41We have explained in this Quran in various ways, that they may remember, but it only adds to their rebellion.

17:46And We drape veils over their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. And when you mention your Lord alone in the Quran, they turn their backs in aversion.

17:49And they say, “When we have become bones and fragments, shall we really be resurrected as a new creation?”

17:50Say, “Even if you become rocks or iron.

17:51Or some substance, which, in your minds, is even harder.” Then they will say, “Who will restore us?” Say, “The One who originated you the first time.” Then they will nod their heads at you, and say, “When will it be?” Say, “Perhaps it will be soon.”

17:54Your Lord knows you best. If He wills, He will have mercy on you; and if He wills, He will punish you. We did not send you as their advocate.

17:55Your Lord knows well everyone in the heavens and the earth. We have given some prophets advantage over others; and to David We gave the Psalms.

17:57Those they call upon are themselves seeking means of access to their Lord, vying to be nearer, and hoping for His mercy, and fearing His punishment. The punishment of your Lord is to be dreaded.

17:58There is no city but We will destroy before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with a severe punishment. This is inscribed in the Book.

17:59Nothing prevents Us from sending miraculous signs, except that the ancients called them lies. We gave Thamood the she-camel, a visible sign, but they mistreated her. We do not send the signs except to instill reverence.

17:61When We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam,” they bowed down, except for Satan. He said, “Shall I bow down before someone You created from mud?”

17:62He said, “Do You see this one whom You have honored more than me? If You reprieve me until the Day of Resurrection, I will bring his descendants under my sway, except for a few.”

17:64“And entice whomever of them you can with your voice, and rally against them your cavalry and your infantry, and share with them in wealth and children, and make promises to them.” But Satan promises them nothing but delusion.

17:66Your Lord is He who propels for you the ships at sea, that you may seek of His bounty. He is towards you Most Merciful.

17:73They almost lured you away from what We have revealed to you, so that you would invent something else in Our name. In that case, they would have taken you for a friend.

17:77The tradition of the messengers We sent before you—you will find no change in Our rules.

17:80And say, “My Lord, lead me in through an entry of truth, and lead me out through an exit of truth, and grant me from You a supporting power.”

17:81And say, “The truth has come, and falsehood has withered away; for falsehood is bound to wither away.”

17:82We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers, but it increases the wrongdoers only in loss.

17:87Except through a mercy from your Lord. His favors upon you have been great.

17:88Say, “If mankind and jinn came together to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like of it, even if they backed up one another.”

17:93Or you possess a house of gold. Or you ascend into the sky. Even then, we will not believe in your ascension, unless you bring down for us a book that we can read.” Say, “Glory be to my Lord. Am I anything but a human messenger?”

17:94Nothing prevented the people from believing, when guidance has come to them, except that they said, “Did God send a human messenger?”

17:95Say, “If there were angels on earth, walking around in peace, We would have sent down to them from heaven an angel messenger.”

17:96Say, “God is enough witness between you and me. He is fully aware of His servants, and He sees them well.”

17:97Whomever God guides is the guided one. And whomever He leaves astray—for them you will find no protectors apart from Him. And We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection, on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf. Their abode is Hell; whenever it abates, We intensify the blaze for them.

17:98This is their repayment for having blasphemed against Our revelations, and having said, “Shall we, when we have become bones and fragments, be resurrected as a new creation?”

17:100Say, “If you possessed the treasuries of my Lord’s mercy, you would have withheld them for fear of spending.” The human being has always been stingy.

17:102He said, “You know that none sent these down except the Lord of the heavens and the earth—eye openers; and I think that you, Pharaoh, are doomed.”

17:106A Quran which We unfolded gradually, that you may recite to the people over time. And We revealed it in stages.

17:110Say, “Call Him God, or call Him the Most Merciful. Whichever name you use, to Him belong the Best Names.” And be neither loud in your prayer, nor silent in it, but follow a course in between.