6 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Israa (The Night Journey)

17:15Whoever is guided—is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray—goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger.

17:18Whoever desires the fleeting life, We expedite for him what We decide to give him, to whomever We desire. Then We consign him to Hell, where he will roast, condemned and defeated.

17:19But whoever desires the Hereafter, and pursues it as it should be pursued, while he is a believer; these—their effort will be appreciated.

17:63He said, “Begone! Whoever of them follows you—Hell is your reward, an ample reward.”

17:71On the Day when We call every people with their leader. Whoever is given his record in his right hand—these will read their record, and they will not be wronged one bit.

17:72But whoever is blind in this, he will be blind in the Hereafter, and further astray from the way.