24 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Kahf (The Cave)

18:5They have no knowledge of this, nor did their forefathers. Grave is the word that comes out of their mouths. They say nothing but a lie.

18:11Then We sealed their ears in the cave for a number of years.

18:12Then We awakened them to know which of the two groups could better calculate the length of their stay.

18:13We relate to you their story in truth. They were youths who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.

18:14And We strengthened their hearts, when they stood up and said, “Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth; we will not call on any god besides Him, for then we would have spoken an outrage.”

18:17You would have seen the sun, when it rose, veering away from their cave towards the right, and when it sets, moving away from them to the left, as they lay in the midst of the cave. That was one of God’s wonders. He whom God guides is truly guided; but he whom He misguides, for him you will find no directing friend.

18:18You would think them awake, although they were asleep. And We turned them over to the right, and to the left, with their dog stretching its paws across the threshold. Had you looked at them, you would have turned away from them in flight, and been filled with fear of them.

18:20“If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you back into their religion; then you will never be saved.”

18:21So it was, that We caused them to be discovered, that they would know that the promise of God is true, and that of the Hour there is no doubt. As they were disputing their case among themselves, they said, “Build over them a building.” Their Lord knows best about them. Those who prevailed over their case said, “We will set up over them a place of worship.”

18:22They will say, “Three, and their fourth being their dog.” And they will say, “Five, and their sixth being their dog,” guessing at the unknown. And they will say, “Seven, and their eighth being their dog.” Say, “My Lord knows best their number.” None knows them except a few. So do not argue concerning them except with an obvious argument, and do not consult any of them about them.

18:25And they stayed in their cave for three hundred years, adding nine.

18:28And content yourself with those who pray to their Lord morning and evening, desiring His Presence. And do not turn your eyes away from them, desiring the glitter of this world. And do not obey him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance—so he follows his own desires—and his priorities are confused.

18:33Both gardens produced their harvest in full, and suffered no loss. And We made a river flow through them.

18:51I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation; and I do not take the misleaders for assistants.

18:55What prevented people from accepting faith, when guidance has come to them, and from seeking their Lord’s forgiveness? Unless they are waiting for the precedent of the ancients to befall them, or to have the punishment come upon them face to face.

18:57Who does greater wrong than he, who, when reminded of his Lord’s revelations, turns away from them, and forgets what his hands have put forward? We have placed coverings over their hearts, lest they understand it, and heaviness in their ears. And if you call them to guidance, they will not be guided, ever.

18:59And these towns—We destroyed them when they committed injustices, and We set for their destruction an appointed time.

18:61Then, when they reached the junction between them, they forgot about their fish. It found its way into the river, slipping away.

18:64He said, “This is what we were seeking.” And so they turned back retracing their steps.

18:81So we wanted their Lord to replace him with someone better in purity, and closer to mercy.

18:82And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphaned boys in the town. Beneath it was a treasure that belonged to them. Their father was a righteous man. Your Lord wanted them to reach their maturity, and then extract their treasure—as a mercy from your Lord. I did not do it of my own accord. This is the interpretation of what you were unable to endure.”

18:103Say, “Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their works?”

18:105It is they who rejected the communications of their Lord, and the encounter with Him. So their works are in vain. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will consider them of no weight.

18:106That is their requital—Hell—on account of their disbelief, and their taking My revelations and My messengers in mockery.