29 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Maryam (Mary)

19:5“And I fear for my dependents after me, and my wife is barren. So grant me, from Yourself, an heir.

19:7“O Zechariah, We give you good news of a son, whose name is John, a name We have never given before.”

19:8He said, “My Lord, how can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have become decrepit with old age?”

19:9He said, “It will be so, your Lord says, ‘it is easy for me, and I created you before, when you were nothing.’”

19:14And kind to his parents; and he was not a disobedient tyrant.

19:19He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord, to give you the gift of a pure son.”

19:20She said, “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I was never unchaste?”

19:22So she carried him, and secluded herself with him in a remote place.

19:26So eat, and drink, and be consoled. And if you see any human, say, ‘I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak to any human today.'“

19:27Then she came to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done something terrible.

19:29So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to an infant in the crib?”

19:31And has made me blessed wherever I may be; and has enjoined on me prayer and charity, so long as I live.

19:32And kind to my mother, and He did not make me a disobedient rebel.

19:33So Peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the Day I get resurrected alive.”

19:34That is Jesus son of Mary—the Word of truth about which they doubt.

19:36“God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”

19:37But the various factions differed among themselves. So woe to those who disbelieve from the scene of a tremendous Day.

19:43O my father, there has come to me knowledge that never came to you. So follow me, and I will guide you along a straight way.

19:44O my father, do not worship the devil. The devil is disobedient to the Most Gracious.

19:46He said, “Are you renouncing my gods, O Abraham? If you do not desist, I will stone you. So leave me alone for a while.”

19:58These are some of the prophets God has blessed, from the descendants of Adam, and from those We carried with Noah, and from the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from those We guided and selected. Whenever the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they would fall down, prostrating and weeping.

19:65Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. So worship Him, and persevere in His service. Do you know of anyone equal to Him?

19:81And they took, besides God, other gods, to be for them a source of strength.

19:84So do not hurry against them. We are counting for them a countdown.

19:87They will have no power of intercession, except for someone who has an agreement with the Most Merciful.

19:88And they say, “The Most Merciful has begotten a son.”

19:89You have come up with something monstrous.

19:91Because they attribute a son to the Most Merciful.

19:92It is not fitting for the Most Merciful to have a son.