22 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Taa-Haa (Taa-Haa)

20:3But only as a reminder for him who fears.

20:8God, there is no god but He, His are the Most Beautiful Names.

20:14I—I am God. There is no God but I. So serve Me, and practice the prayer for My remembrance.

20:15The Hour is coming—but I keep it almost hidden—so that each soul will be paid for what it endeavors.

20:40When your sister walked along, and said, ‘Shall I tell you about someone who will take care of him?' So We returned you to your mother, that she may be comforted, and not sorrow. And you killed a person, but We saved you from stress; and We tested you thoroughly. And you stayed years among the people of Median. Then you came back, as ordained, O Moses.

20:44But speak to him nicely. Perhaps he will remember, or have some fear.”

20:56We showed him Our signs, all of them, but he denied and refused.

20:69Now throw down what is in your right hand—it will swallow what they have crafted. What they have crafted is only a magician’s trickery. But the magician will not succeed, no matter what he does.”

20:75But whoever comes to Him a believer, having worked righteousness—these will have the highest ranks.

20:78Pharaoh pursued them with his troops, but the sea overwhelmed them, and completely engulfed them.

20:81Eat of the good things We have provided for you, but do not be excessive therein, lest My wrath descends upon you. He upon whom My wrath descends has fallen.

20:87They said, “We did not break our promise to you by our choice, but we were made to carry loads of the people’s ornaments, and we cast them in. That was what the Samarian suggested.”

20:88So he produced for them a calf—a mere body which lowed. And they said, “This is your god, and the god of Moses, but he has forgotten.”

20:108On that Day, they will follow the caller, without any deviation. Voices will be hushed before the Merciful, and you will hear nothing but murmur.

20:112But whoever has done righteous deeds, while being a believer—will fear neither injustice, nor grievance.

20:115And We covenanted with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found in him no resolve.

20:120But Satan whispered to him. He said, “O Adam, shall I show you the Tree of Immortality, and a kingdom that never decays?”

20:122But then his Lord recalled him, and pardoned him, and guided him.

20:123He said, “Go down from it, altogether; some of you enemies of some others. But whenever guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance, will not go astray, nor suffer.

20:124But whoever turns away from My Reminder, for him is a confined life. And We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection blind.”

20:129Were it not for a word that issued from your Lord, the inevitable would have happened, but there is an appointed term.

20:132And exhort your people to pray, and patiently adhere to it. We ask of you no sustenance, but it is We who sustain you. The good ending is that for righteousness.