4 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Taa-Haa (Taa-Haa)

20:32And have him share in my mission.

20:58We will produce for you magic like it; so make an appointment between us and you, which we will not miss—neither us, nor you—in a central place.”

20:71He said, “Did you believe in him before I have given you permission? He must be your chief, who has taught you magic. I will cut off your hands and your feet on alternate sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of the palm-trees. Then you will know which of us is more severe in punishment, and more lasting.”

20:97He said, “Begone! Your lot in this life is to say, ‘No contact.’ And you have an appointment that you will not miss. Now look at your god that you remained devoted to—we will burn it up, and then blow it away into the sea, as powder.”