57 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets)

21:4He said, “My Lord knows what is said in the heaven and the earth; and He is the Hearer, the Knower.”

21:6None of the towns We destroyed before them had believed. Will they, then, believe?

21:7We did not send before you except men, whom We inspired. Ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know.

21:8We did not make them mere bodies that ate no food, nor were they immortal.

21:9Then We fulfilled Our promise to them, and We saved them together with whomever We willed, and We destroyed the extravagant.

21:10We have sent down to you a Book, containing your message. Do you not understand?

21:11How many a guilty town have We crushed, and established thereafter another people?

21:14They said, “Woe to us; we were unfair.”

21:15This continued to be their cry, until We made them silent ashes.

21:16We did not create the sky and the earth and what is between them for amusement.

21:17If We wanted amusement, We could have found it within Us, were We to do so.

21:18In fact, We hurl the truth against falsehood, and it crushes it, so it vanishes. Woe unto you, for what you describe.

21:22If there were in them gods other than God, they would have gone to ruin. So glory be to God, Lord of the Throne, beyond what they allege.

21:25We never sent a messenger before you without inspiring him that: “There is no god but I, so worship Me.”

21:28He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they do not intercede except for him whom He approves; and they tremble in awe of Him.

21:29And whoever of them says, “I am a god besides Him,” We will reward him with Hell. Thus We reward the wrongdoers.

21:30Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?

21:31And We placed on earth stabilizers, lest it sways with them, and We placed therein signposts and passages, that they may be guided.

21:32And We made the sky a protected ceiling; yet they turn away from its wonders.

21:34We did not grant immortality to any human being before you. Should you die, are they then the immortal?

21:35Every soul will taste death. We burden you with adversity and prosperity—a test. And to Us you will be returned.

21:41Messengers before you were also ridiculed, but those who jeered were surrounded by what they had ridiculed.

21:44We have given these enjoyments, and their ancestors, until time grew long upon them. Do they not see how We gradually reduce the land from its extremities? Are they then the victors?

21:46And when a breath of your Lord’s punishment touches them, they say, “Woe to us, we were truly wicked.”

21:47We will set up the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will suffer the least injustice. And even if it be the weight of a mustard-seed, We will bring it up. Sufficient are We as Reckoners.

21:48We gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion, and illumination, and a reminder for the righteous.

21:50This too is a blessed message that We revealed. Are you going to deny it?

21:51We gave Abraham his integrity formerly, and We knew him well.

21:53They said, “We found our parents worshiping them.”

21:60They said, “We heard a youth mentioning them. He is called Abraham.”

21:69We said, “O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham.”

21:70They planned to harm him, but We made them the worst losers.

21:71And We delivered him, and Lot, to the land that We blessed for all people.

21:72And We granted him Isaac and Jacob as a gift; and each We made righteous.

21:73And We made them leaders, guiding by Our command; and We inspired them to do good works, and to observe the prayer, and to give out charity. They were devoted servants to Us.

21:74And Lot—We gave him judgment and knowledge, and We delivered him from the town that practiced the abominations. They were wicked and perverted people.

21:75And We admitted him into Our mercy; for He was one of the righteous.

21:76And Noah, when he called before. So We answered him, and delivered him and his family from the great disaster.

21:77And We supported him against the people who rejected Our signs. They were an evil people, so We drowned them all.

21:78And David and Solomon, when they gave judgment in the case of the field, when some people’s sheep wandered therein by night; and We were witnesses to their judgment.

21:79And so We made Solomon understand it, and to each We gave wisdom and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains along with David to sing Our praises, and the birds as well—surely We did.

21:80And We taught him the making of shields for you, to protect you from your violence. Are you, then, appreciative?

21:81And to Solomon the stormy wind, blowing at His command towards the land that We have blessed. We are aware of everything.

21:82And of the devils were some that dived for him, and performed other, lesser tasks. But We kept them restrained.

21:84So We answered him, lifted his suffering, and restored his family to him, and their like with them—a mercy from Us, and a reminder for the worshipers.

21:86And We admitted them into Our mercy. They were among the righteous.

21:87And Jonah, when he stormed out in fury, thinking We had no power over him. But then He cried out in the darkness, “There is no god but You! Glory to You! I was one of the wrongdoers!”

21:88So We answered him, and saved him from the affliction. Thus We save the faithful.

21:90So We answered him, and gave him John. And We cured his wife for him. They used to vie in doing righteous deeds, and used to call on Us in love and awe, and they used to humble themselves to Us.

21:91And she who guarded her virginity. We breathed into her of Our spirit, and made her and her son a sign to the world.

21:94Whoever does righteous deeds, and is a believer, his effort will not be denied. We are writing it down for him.

21:95There is a ban on the town that We had destroyed—that they will not return.

21:97The promise of truth has drawn near. The eyes of those who disbelieved will stare in horror: “Woe to us. We were oblivious to this. In fact, we were wrongdoers.”

21:103The Supreme Fear will not worry them, and the angels will receive them: “This is your Day which you were promised.”

21:104On the Day when We fold the heaven, like the folding of a book. Just as We began the first creation, We will repeat it—a promise binding on Us. We will act.

21:105We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder, that the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants.

21:107We did not send you except as mercy to mankind.