22 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

22:17Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Sabeans, and the Christians, and the Zoroastrians, and the Polytheists—God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. God is witness to all things.

22:19Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads.

22:28That they may witness the benefits for themselves, and celebrate the name of God during the appointed days, for providing them with the animal livestock. So eat from it, and feed the unfortunate poor.

22:29Then let them perform their acts of cleansing, and fulfill their vows, and circle around the Ancient House.

22:33In them are benefits for you until a certain time. Then their place is by the Ancient House.

22:34We have appointed a rite for every nation, that they may commemorate God’s name over the livestock He has provided for them. Your God is One God, so to Him submit, and announce good news to the humble.

22:35Those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and those who endure what has befallen them, and those who perform the prayer and spend from what We have provided for them.

22:36We have made the animal offerings emblems of God for you. In them is goodness for you. So pronounce God’s name upon them as they line up. Then, when they have fallen on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented and the beggar. Thus We have subjected them to you, that you may be thankful.

22:37Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable.

22:39Permission is given to those who are fought against, and God is Able to give them victory.

22:41Those who, when We empower them in the land, observe the prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To God belongs the outcome of events.

22:42If they deny you—before them the people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamood also denied.

22:44And the inhabitants of Median. And Moses was denied. Then I reprieved those who disbelieved, but then I seized them. So how was My rejection?

22:50Those who believe and work righteousness—for them is forgiveness and a generous provision.

22:55Those who disbelieve will continue to be hesitant about it, until the Hour comes upon them suddenly, or there comes to them the torment of a desolate Day.

22:56Sovereignty on that Day belongs to God; He will judge between them. Those who believe and do good deeds will be in the Gardens of Bliss.

22:58Those who emigrate in God’s cause, then get killed, or die, God will provide them with fine provisions. God is the Best of Providers.

22:59He will admit them an admittance that will please them. God is Knowing and Clement.

22:67For every congregation We have appointed acts of devotion, which they observe. So do not let them dispute with you in this matter. And invite to your Lord; you are upon a straight guidance.

22:72And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will recognize disgust on the faces of those who disbelieve. They nearly assault those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, “Shall I inform you of something worse than that? The Fire! God has promised it to those who disbelieve. And what a wretched outcome!”

22:73O people! A parable is presented, so listen to it: Those you invoke besides God will never create a fly, even if they banded together for that purpose. And if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it from it. Weak are the pursuer and the pursued.

22:76He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. To God all matters are referred.