19 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Muminoon (The Believers)

23:7But whoever seeks anything beyond that—these are the transgressors.

23:20And a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, producing oil, and seasoning for those who eat.

23:21And there is a lesson for you in livestock: We give you to drink from what is in their bellies, and you have many benefits in them, and from them you eat.

23:27So We inspired him: “Build the Ark under Our observation and by Our inspiration. And when Our decree comes to pass, and the oven boils over, load into it two pairs of every kind, together with your family, except those of them against whom the word has already been pronounced. And do not speak to me concerning those who did wrong; for they are to be drowned.”

23:40He said, “Soon they will be filled with regret.”

23:41Then the Blast struck them, justifiably, and We turned them into scum. So away with the wicked people.

23:44Then We sent Our messengers in succession. Every time a messenger came to his community, they called him a liar. So We made them follow one another, and made them history. So away with a people who do not believe.

23:48So they called them liars, and thus were among those destroyed.

23:50And We made Mary’s son and his mother a sign, and We sheltered them on high ground with security and flowing springs.

23:52This nation of yours is one nation, and I am your Lord, so fear Me.

23:54So leave them in their bewilderment until a time.

23:59And those who associate no partners with their Lord.

23:62We never burden any soul beyond its capacity. And with Us is a record that tells the truth, and they will not be wronged.

23:69Or is it that they did not recognize their messenger, so they are denying him?

23:91God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe.

23:92The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate.

23:103But those whose scales are light—those are they who have lost their souls; in Hell they will dwell forever.

23:109There was a group of My servants who would say, `Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us, and have mercy on us; You are the Best of the merciful.'

23:116So Exalted is God, the Ruler, the Real. There is no god except He, the Lord of the Noble Throne.