12 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Muminoon (The Believers)

23:12We created man from an extract of clay.

23:14Then We developed the seed into a clot. Then We developed the clot into a lump. Then We developed the lump into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced it into another creature. Most Blessed is God, the Best of Creators.

23:17We created above you seven pathways, and We are never heedless of the creation.

23:19With it We produce for you gardens of palms and vines, yielding abundant fruit for you to eat.

23:20And a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, producing oil, and seasoning for those who eat.

23:21And there is a lesson for you in livestock: We give you to drink from what is in their bellies, and you have many benefits in them, and from them you eat.

23:33But the dignitaries of his people, those who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, and We had indulged them in the present life, said, “This is nothing but a human like you; he eats what you eat, and he drinks what you drink.

23:51O messengers, eat of the good things, and act with integrity. I am aware of what you do.

23:80And it is He who gives life and brings death, and to Him is the alternation of night and day. Do you not understand?

23:91God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe.

23:99Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back.

23:115Did you think that We created you in vain, and that to Us you will not be returned?”