41 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Muminoon (The Believers)

23:15Then, after that, you will die.

23:16Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be resurrected.

23:17We created above you seven pathways, and We are never heedless of the creation.

23:19With it We produce for you gardens of palms and vines, yielding abundant fruit for you to eat.

23:21And there is a lesson for you in livestock: We give you to drink from what is in their bellies, and you have many benefits in them, and from them you eat.

23:22And on them, and on the ships, you are transported.

23:23We sent Noah to his people. He said, “O my people, worship God, you have no deity other than Him. Will you not take heed?”

23:24But the notables of his people, who disbelieved, said, “This is nothing but a human like you, who wants to gain superiority over you. Had God willed, He would have sent down angels. We never heard of this from our forefathers of old.

23:27So We inspired him: “Build the Ark under Our observation and by Our inspiration. And when Our decree comes to pass, and the oven boils over, load into it two pairs of every kind, together with your family, except those of them against whom the word has already been pronounced. And do not speak to me concerning those who did wrong; for they are to be drowned.”

23:28Then, when you and those with you are settled in the Ark, say, “Praise be to God, who has saved us from the wrongdoing people.”

23:29And say, “My Lord, land me with a blessed landing, as you are the best of transporters.”

23:32And We sent among them a messenger from themselves: “Serve God. You have no god other than Him. Will you not be cautious?”

23:33But the dignitaries of his people, those who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, and We had indulged them in the present life, said, “This is nothing but a human like you; he eats what you eat, and he drinks what you drink.

23:34If you obey a human being like yourselves, then you will be losers.

23:35Does he promise you that when you have died and become dust and bones, you will be brought out?

23:36Farfetched, farfetched is what you are promised.

23:51O messengers, eat of the good things, and act with integrity. I am aware of what you do.

23:52This nation of yours is one nation, and I am your Lord, so fear Me.

23:65Do not groan today. You will receive no help from Us.

23:66My Verses were recited to you, but you turned back on your heels.

23:72Or are you asking them for a payment? The revenue from your Lord is better, and He is the Best of providers.

23:73You are inviting them to a straight path.

23:78It is He who produced for you the hearing, and the eyesight, and the feelings. But little gratitude you show.

23:79And it is He who multiplied you on earth, and to Him you will be gathered.

23:80And it is He who gives life and brings death, and to Him is the alternation of night and day. Do you not understand?

23:84Say, “To whom does the earth belong, and everyone in it, if you happen to know?”

23:85They will say, “To God.” Say, “Will you not reflect?”

23:87They will say, “To God.” Say, “Will you not become righteous?”

23:88Say, “In whose hand is the dominion of all things, and He protects and cannot be protected from, if you happen to know?”

23:89They will say, “To God.” Say, “Then are you bewitched?”

23:93Say, “My Lord, if You would show me what they are promised.

23:95We are surely Able to show you what We promise them.

23:97And say, “My Lord, I seek refuge with You from the urgings of the devils.

23:98And I seek refuge with You, my Lord, lest they become present.”

23:105“Were not My revelations recited to you, and you kept on rejecting them?”

23:109There was a group of My servants who would say, `Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us, and have mercy on us; You are the Best of the merciful.'

23:110But you made then a target of ridicule, until they made you forget My remembrance; and you used to laugh at them.

23:112He will say, “How many years did you remain on earth?”

23:114He will say, “You remained only for a little while, if you only knew.

23:115Did you think that We created you in vain, and that to Us you will not be returned?”

23:118And say, “My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of the merciful.”