31 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Furqaan (The Criterion)

25:2He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, who took to Himself no son, who never had a partner in His kingship; who created everything and determined its measure.

25:6Say, “It was revealed by He who knows the Secret in the heavens and the earth. He is always Forgiving and Merciful.”

25:7And they say, “What sort of messenger is this, who eats food, and walks in the marketplaces? If only an angel was sent down with him, to be alongside him a warner.”

25:8Or, “If only a treasure was dropped on him.” Or, “If only he had a garden from which he eats.” The evildoers also say, “You are following but a man under spell.”

25:9Look how they invent examples for you. They have gone astray, and cannot find a way.

25:17On the Day when He gathers them, and what they worshiped besides God, He will say, “Was it you who misled these servants of Mine, or was it they who lost the way?”

25:18They will say, “Glory be to You. It was not for us to take any lords besides You. But you gave them enjoyments, and their ancestors, until they forgot the Message, and became ruined people.”

25:19They have denied you because of what you say; so you can neither avert, nor help. Whoever among you commits injustice, We will make him taste a grievous punishment.

25:29He led me away from the Message after it had come to me; for Satan has always been a betrayer of man.”

25:31Likewise, to every prophet We assign enemies from among the wicked. But your Lord suffices as a Guide and Savior.

25:32Those who disbelieve say, “Why was the Quran not revealed to him at once?” Thus in order to strengthen your heart thereby, and We revealed it in stages.

25:34Those who are herded into Hell on their faces—those are in a worse position, and further astray from the way.

25:35We gave Moses the Scripture, and appointed his brother Aaron as his assistant.

25:38And Aad, and Thamood, and the inhabitants of Arras, and many generations in between.

25:39To each We presented the parables; and each We devastated utterly.

25:40And they came upon the city that was drenched by the terrible rain. Did they not see it? But they do not expect resurrection.

25:41And when they see you, they take you for nothing but mockery: “Is this the one God sent as a messenger?”

25:43Have you seen him who chose his desire as his god? Would you be an agent for him?

25:44Or do you assume that most of them hear or understand? They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way.

25:53And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier, and an impassable boundary.

25:55And yet, instead of God, they serve what neither profits them nor harms them. The disbeliever has always turned his back on his Lord.

25:56We sent you only as a herald of good news and a warner.

25:57Say, “I ask of you no payment for this—only that whoever wills may take a path to his Lord.”

25:58And put your trust in the Living, the One who never dies; and celebrate His praise. He suffices as the All-Informed Knower of the faults of His creatures.

25:59He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, then settled on the Throne. The Most Merciful. Ask about Him a well-informed.

25:60And when it is said to them, “Bow down to the Merciful,” they say, “And what is the Merciful? Are we to bow down to whatever you command us?” And it increases their aversion.

25:64And those who pass the night prostrating themselves to their Lord and standing up.

25:67And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that.

25:68And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties.

25:71Whoever repents and acts righteously—has inclined towards God with repentance.

25:72And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity.