28 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Furqaan (The Criterion)

25:3And yet, instead of Him, they produce for themselves gods that create nothing, but are themselves created; that have no power to harm or benefit themselves; and no power over life, death, or resurrection.

25:4Those who disbelieve say, “This is nothing but a lie that he made up, and others have helped him at it.” They have committed an injustice and a perjury.

25:5And they say, “Tales of the ancients; he wrote them down; they are dictated to him morning and evening.”

25:7And they say, “What sort of messenger is this, who eats food, and walks in the marketplaces? If only an angel was sent down with him, to be alongside him a warner.”

25:9Look how they invent examples for you. They have gone astray, and cannot find a way.

25:11In fact, they have denied the Hour, and We have prepared for those who deny the Hour a Blaze.

25:12When it sees them from a distant place, they will hear it raging and roaring.

25:13And when they are thrown into it, into a tight place, shackled, they will plead there for death.

25:16They will have therein whatever they desire, forever. That is upon your Lord a binding promise.

25:17On the Day when He gathers them, and what they worshiped besides God, He will say, “Was it you who misled these servants of Mine, or was it they who lost the way?”

25:18They will say, “Glory be to You. It was not for us to take any lords besides You. But you gave them enjoyments, and their ancestors, until they forgot the Message, and became ruined people.”

25:19They have denied you because of what you say; so you can neither avert, nor help. Whoever among you commits injustice, We will make him taste a grievous punishment.

25:20We never sent any messengers before you, but they ate food and walked in the marketplaces. And We made some of you tempters for one another—will you be patient? Your Lord is always Observing.

25:21Those who do not expect to meet Us say, “If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord.” They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant.

25:22On the Day when they see the angels—there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, “A protective refuge.”

25:23We will proceed to the works they did, and will turn them into scattered dust.

25:33Whatever argument they come to you with, We provide you with the truth, and a better exposition.

25:37And the people of Noah: when they rejected the messengers, We drowned them, and made them a lesson for mankind. We have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful retribution.

25:40And they came upon the city that was drenched by the terrible rain. Did they not see it? But they do not expect resurrection.

25:41And when they see you, they take you for nothing but mockery: “Is this the one God sent as a messenger?”

25:42“He nearly led us away from our gods, had we not patiently adhered to them.” But they will know, when they witness the torment, who is further away from the way.

25:44Or do you assume that most of them hear or understand? They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way.

25:50We have circulated it among them, that they may reflect, but most people persist in thanklessness.

25:55And yet, instead of God, they serve what neither profits them nor harms them. The disbeliever has always turned his back on his Lord.

25:60And when it is said to them, “Bow down to the Merciful,” they say, “And what is the Merciful? Are we to bow down to whatever you command us?” And it increases their aversion.

25:63The servants of the Merciful are those who walk the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, “Peace.”

25:67And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that.

25:72And those who do not bear false witness; and when they come across indecencies, they pass by with dignity.