16 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ash-Shu'araa (The Poets)

26:4If We will, We can send down upon them a sign from heaven, at which their necks will stay bent in humility.

26:18He said, “Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you stayed among us for many of your years?

26:22Is that the favor you taunt me with, although you have enslaved the Children of Israel?”

26:28He said, “Lord of the East and the West, and everything between them, if you understand.”

26:32So he cast his staff; and it was a serpent, plain to see.

26:34He said to the dignitaries around him, “This is a skilled magician.

26:45Then Moses threw his staff, and behold, it began swallowing their trickery.

26:49He said, “Did you believe in Him before I have given you permission? He must be your chief, who taught you magic. You will soon know. I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you all.”

26:61When the two groups sighted each other, the followers of Moses said, “We are being overtaken.”

26:63We inspired Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff.” Whereupon it parted, and each part was like a huge hill.

26:84And give me a reputation of truth among the others.

26:95And the soldiers of Satan, all of them.

26:149And you skillfully carve houses in the mountains?

26:168He said, “I certainly deplore your conduct.”

26:171Except for an old woman among those who tarried.