40 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ash-Shu'araa (The Poets)

26:2These are the Verses of the Clarifying Book.

26:8Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:16Go to Pharaoh, and say, ‘We are the Messengers of the Lord of the Worlds.

26:21And I fled from you when I feared you; but my Lord gave me wisdom, and made me one of the messengers.

26:24He said, “The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, if you are aware.”

26:31He said, “Bring it, if you are being truthful.”

26:39And it was said to the people, “Are you all gathered?

26:40That we may follow the magicians, if they are the winners.”

26:41When the magicians arrived, they said to Pharaoh, “Is there a reward for us, if we are the winners?”

26:51We are eager for our Lord to forgive us our sins, since we are the first of the believers.”

26:54“These are a small gang.

26:55And they are enraging us.

26:56But we are a vigilant multitude.”

26:61When the two groups sighted each other, the followers of Moses said, “We are being overtaken.”

26:67In that there is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:77They are enemies to me, but not so the Lord of the Worlds.

26:87And do not disgrace me on the Day they are resurrected.

26:92And it will be said to them, “Where are those you used to worship?”

26:103Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:118So judge between me and them decisively, and deliver me and the believers who are with me.

26:121In that is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:139So they denied him, and We destroyed them. Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:148And fields, and palm-trees whose fruits are delicious?

26:153They said, “You are surely one of the bewitched.

26:154You are nothing but a man like us. So bring us a sign, if you are truthful.

26:158So the punishment overtook them. Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:166And forsake the wives your Lord created for you? Indeed, you are intrusive people.”

26:174Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:185They said, “You are one of those bewitched.

26:186And you are nothing but a man like us; and we think that you are a liar.

26:187So bring down on us pieces from the sky, if you are truthful.”

26:188He said, “My Lord is Well Aware of what you do.”

26:190Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:202It will come to them suddenly, while they are unaware.

26:203Then they will say, “Are we given any respite?”

26:209As a reminder—We are never unjust.

26:212They are barred from hearing.

26:220He is indeed the Hearer, the Aware.

26:223They give ear, and most of them are liars.

26:227Except for those who believe, and do good deeds, and remember God frequently, and defend themselves after they are wronged. As for those who do wrong, they will know by what overturning they will be overturned.