80 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ash-Shu'araa (The Poets)

26:3Perhaps you will destroy yourself with grief, because they do not become believers.

26:5No fresh reminder comes to them from the Most Merciful, but they turn their backs at it.

26:6They have denied the truth, but soon will come to them the news of what they ridiculed.

26:9Most surely, your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:12He said, “My Lord, I fear they will reject me.

26:13And I become stressed, and my tongue is not fluent, so send Aaron too.

26:14And they have a charge against me, so I fear they will kill me.”

26:16Go to Pharaoh, and say, ‘We are the Messengers of the Lord of the Worlds.

26:21And I fled from you when I feared you; but my Lord gave me wisdom, and made me one of the messengers.

26:22Is that the favor you taunt me with, although you have enslaved the Children of Israel?”

26:27He said, “This messenger of yours, who is sent to you, is crazy.”

26:29He said, “If you accept any god other than me, I will make you a prisoner.”

26:30He said, “What if I bring you something convincing?”

26:35He intends to drive you out of your land with his magic, so what do you recommend?”

26:38So the magicians were gathered for the appointment on a specified day.

26:62He said, “No; my Lord is with me, He will guide me.”

26:68Surely, your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:77They are enemies to me, but not so the Lord of the Worlds.

26:78He who created me, and guides me.

26:79He who feeds me, and waters me.

26:80And when I get sick, He heals me.

26:81He who makes me die, and then revives me.

26:83“My Lord! Grant me wisdom, and include me with the righteous.

26:84And give me a reputation of truth among the others.

26:85And make me of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss.

26:87And do not disgrace me on the Day they are resurrected.

26:89Except for him who comes to God with a sound heart.”

26:104Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:105The people of Noah disbelieved the messengers.

26:107I am to you a faithful messenger.

26:108So fear God, and obey me.

26:109I ask of you no payment for this. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:110So fear God, and obey me.”

26:117He said, “My Lord, my people have denied me.

26:118So judge between me and them decisively, and deliver me and the believers who are with me.

26:122Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:123Aad disbelieved the messengers.

26:125I am to you a faithful messenger.

26:126So fear God, and obey me.

26:127I ask of you no payment for this. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:128Do you build a monument on every height for vanity's sake?

26:130And when you strike, you strike mercilessly?

26:131So fear God, and obey me.

26:135I fear for you the punishment of an awesome Day.”

26:136They said, “It is the same for us, whether you lecture us, or do not lecture.

26:140Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:141Thamood disbelieved the messengers.

26:143I am to you a faithful messenger.

26:144So fear God, and obey me.

26:145I ask of you no payment for it. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:150So fear God, and obey me.

26:155He said, “This is a she-camel; she has her turn of drinking, and you have your turn of drinking—on a specified day.

26:156And do not touch her with harm, lest the punishment of a great day seizes you.”

26:157But they slaughtered her, and became full of remorse.

26:158So the punishment overtook them. Surely in this is a sign, but most of them are not believers.

26:159Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:160The people of Lot disbelieved the messengers.

26:162I am to you a faithful messenger.

26:163So fear God, and obey me.

26:164I ask of you no payment for it. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:169“My Lord, save me and my family from what they do.”

26:175Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:176The People of the Woods disbelieved the messengers.

26:178I am to you a trustworthy messenger.

26:179So fear God, and obey me.

26:180I ask of you no payment for it. My payment is only from the Lord of the Worlds.

26:181Give full measure, and do not cheat.

26:189But they denied him. So the punishment of the day of gloom gripped them. It was the punishment of a great day.

26:191Your Lord is the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:193The Honest Spirit came down with it.

26:201They will not believe in it until they witness the painful punishment.

26:202It will come to them suddenly, while they are unaware.

26:204Do they seek to hasten Our punishment?

26:205Have you considered: if We let them enjoy themselves for some years.

26:206Then there comes to them what they were promised.

26:207Of what avail to them will be their past enjoyments?

26:213So do not pray to another god with God, else you will be of those tormented.

26:217And put your trust in the Almighty, the Merciful.

26:227Except for those who believe, and do good deeds, and remember God frequently, and defend themselves after they are wronged. As for those who do wrong, they will know by what overturning they will be overturned.