10 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / An-Naml (The Ant)

27:13Yet when Our enlightening signs came to them, they said, “This is obvious witchcraft.”

27:16And Solomon succeeded David. He said, “O people, we were taught the language of birds, and we were given from everything. This is indeed a real blessing.”

27:28Go with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them; then withdraw from them, and see how they respond.”

27:32She said, “O counselors, advise me in this matter of mine. I never make a decision unless you are present.”

27:40He who had knowledge from the Book said, “I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you.” And when he saw it settled before him, he said, “This is from the grace of my Lord, to test me, whether I am grateful or ungrateful. He who is grateful, his gratitude is to his own credit; but he who is ungrateful—my Lord is Independent and Generous.”

27:42When she arrived, it was said, “Is your throne like this?” She said, “As if this is it.” “We were given knowledge before her, and we were submissive.”

27:52Here are their homes, in ruins, on account of their iniquities. Surely in this is a sign for people who know.

27:71And they say, “When is this promise, if you are truthful?”

27:76This Quran relates to the Children of Israel most of what they differ about.

27:91“I was commanded to worship the Lord of this town, who has sanctified it, and to Whom everything belongs; and I was commanded to be of those who submit.