6 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Qasas (The Stories)

28:12We forbade him breastfeeding at first. So she said, “Shall I tell you about a family that can raise him for you, and will look after him?”

28:43We gave Moses the Scripture after We had annihilated the previous generations; as an illumination for mankind, and guidance, and mercy, so that they may remember.

28:58And how many a city did We destroy for turning unappreciative of its livelihood? Here are their homes, uninhabited after them, except for a few. And We became the Inheritors.

28:77But seek, with what God has given you, the Home of the Hereafter, and do not neglect your share of this world. And be charitable, as God has been charitable to you. And do not seek corruption in the land. God does not like the seekers of corruption.”

28:83That Home of the Hereafter—We assign it for those who seek no superiority on earth, nor corruption. And the outcome is for the cautious.

28:87And do not let them divert you from God’s revelations after they have been revealed to you. And pray to your Lord, and never be of the polytheists.