6 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Qasas (The Stories)

28:7We inspired the mother of Moses: “Nurse him; then, when you fear for him, cast him into the river, and do not fear, nor grieve; We will return him to you, and make him one of the messengers.”

28:44You were not on the Western Side when We decreed the command to Moses, nor were you among the witnesses.

28:45But We established many generations, and time took its toll on them. Nor were you among the people of Median, reciting Our revelations to them. But We kept sending messengers.

28:46Nor were you by the side of the Mount when We proclaimed. Rather, it was a mercy from your Lord, that you may warn people who received no warner before you, so that they may take heed.

28:55And when they hear vain talk, they avoid it, and say, “We have our deeds, and you have your deeds; peace be upon you; we do not desire the ignorant.”

28:83That Home of the Hereafter—We assign it for those who seek no superiority on earth, nor corruption. And the outcome is for the cautious.