12 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Qasas (The Stories)

28:4Pharaoh exalted himself in the land, and divided its people into factions. He persecuted a group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was truly a corrupter.

28:6And to establish them in the land; and to show Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops, the very thing they feared.

28:8Pharaoh’s household picked him up, to be an opponent and a sorrow for them. Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops were sinners.

28:19As he was about to strike the one who was their enemy, he said, “O Moses, do you intend to kill me, as you killed someone yesterday? You only want to be a bully in the land, and do not want to be a peacemaker.”

28:47Otherwise, if a calamity befell them as a result of what their hands have perpetrated, they would say, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations, and been among the believers.”

28:50But if they fail to respond to you, know that they follow their fancies. And who is more lost than him who follows his fancy without guidance from God? God does not guide the unjust people.

28:54These will be given their reward twice, because they persevered; and they counter evil with good; and from Our provisions to them, they give.

28:58And how many a city did We destroy for turning unappreciative of its livelihood? Here are their homes, uninhabited after them, except for a few. And We became the Inheritors.

28:59Your Lord never destroys cities without first sending a messenger in their midst, reciting to them Our revelations. And We never destroy the cities, unless their people are wrongdoers.

28:68Your Lord creates whatever He wills, and He chooses. The choice is not theirs. Glory be to God, and exalted be He above the associations they make.

28:69And your Lord knows what their hearts conceal, and what they reveal.

28:78He said, “I was given all this on account of knowledge I possess.” Did he not know that God destroyed many generations before him, who were stronger than he, and possessed greater riches? But the guilty will not be asked about their sins.