7 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Al-Ankaboot (The Spider)

29:20Say, “Roam the earth, and observe how He originated the creation.” Then God will bring about the next existence. God has power over all things.”

29:22You cannot escape, on earth or in the heaven; and you have no protector and no savior besides God.

29:44God created the heavens and the earth with truth. Surely in that is a sign for the believers.

29:52Say, “God suffices as witness between you and me. He knows everything in the heavens and the Earth. Those who believe in vanity and reject God—it is they who are the losers.”

29:56O My servants who have believed: My earth is vast, so worship Me alone.

29:61And if you asked them, “Who created the heavens and the earth and regulated the sun and the moon?” They would say, “God.” Why then do they deviate?

29:63And if you asked them, “Who sends water down from the sky, with which He revives the earth after it had died?” They would say, “God.” Say, “Praise be to God.” But most of them do not understand.