11 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Aal-i-Imraan (The Family of Imraan)

3:10As for those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them anything against God. These will be fuel for the Fire.

3:16Those who say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins, and save us from the suffering of the Fire.”

3:24That is because they said, “The Fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days.” They have been misled in their religion by the lies they fabricated.

3:103And hold fast to the rope of God, altogether, and do not become divided. And remember God’s blessings upon you; how you were enemies, and He reconciled your hearts, and by His grace you became brethren. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you from it. God thus clarifies His revelations for you, so that you may be guided.

3:116As for those who disbelieve, neither their possessions nor their children will avail them anything against God. These are the inhabitants of the Fire, abiding therein forever.

3:131And guard yourselves against the Fire that is prepared for the disbelievers.

3:151We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they attribute to God partners for which He revealed no sanction. Their lodging is the Fire. Miserable is the lodging of the evildoers.

3:183Those who said, “God has made a covenant with us, that we shall not believe in any messenger unless he brings us an offering to be consumed by fire.” Say, “Messengers have come to you before me with proofs, and with what you asked for; so why did you assassinate them, if you are truthful?”

3:185Every soul will have a taste of death, and you will receive your recompense on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is swayed from the Fire, and admitted to Paradise, has won. The life of this world is merely enjoyment of delusion.

3:191Those who remember God while standing, and sitting, and on their sides; and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You did not create this in vain, glory to You, so protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”

3:192“Our Lord, whomever You commit to the Fire, You have disgraced. The wrongdoers will have no helpers.”