15 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ar-Room (The Romans)

30:9Have they not travelled the earth and seen how those before them ended up? They were more powerful than them, and they cultivated the land and developed it more than they developed it, and their messengers came to them with clear signs. God would never wrong them, but they used to wrong themselves.

30:10Then, evil was the end of those who committed evil. That is because they rejected God’s revelations, and used to ridicule them.

30:15As for those who believed and did good deeds—they will be delighted in meadows.

30:16But as for those who disbelieved, and rejected Our signs and the encounter of the Hereafter—those will be hauled into the torment.

30:22And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colors. In this are signs for those who know.

30:32Of those who divided their religion, and became sects; each faction pleased with what they have.

30:38So give the relative his rights, and the destitute, and the wayfarer. That is best for those who seek God’s presence. Those are the prosperous.

30:42Say, “Roam the earth, and observe the fate of those who came before. Most of them were idolaters.”

30:45So that He may reward those who have believed and done the righteous deeds out of His bounty. Indeed, He does not love the ungrateful.

30:47Before you, We sent messengers to their people. They came to them with clear proofs. Then We took revenge on those who sinned. It is incumbent on Us to help the believers.

30:53Nor can you guide the blind out of their error. You can make hear only those who believe in Our signs, and so have submitted.

30:56But those endowed with knowledge and faith will say, “You remained in God’s Book until the Day of Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know.”

30:58We have cited in this Quran for the people every sort of parable. But even if you bring them a miracle, those who disbelieve will say, “You are nothing but fakers.”

30:59God thus seals the hearts of those who do not know.

30:60So be patient. The promise of God is true. And do not let those who lack certainty belittle you.