22 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ar-Room (The Romans)

30:3In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious.

30:4In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice.

30:5In God’s support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful.

30:11God originates creation, and then repeats it. Then to Him you will be returned.

30:12On the Day when the Hour takes place, the guilty will despair.

30:13They will have no intercessors from among their idols, and they will disown their partners.

30:14On the Day when the Hour takes place—on that Day they will separate.

30:15As for those who believed and did good deeds—they will be delighted in meadows.

30:16But as for those who disbelieved, and rejected Our signs and the encounter of the Hereafter—those will be hauled into the torment.

30:19He brings the living out of the dead, and He brings the dead out of the living, and He revives the land after it had died. Likewise you will be resurrected.

30:25And of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand at His disposal. And then, when He calls you out of the earth, you will emerge at once.

30:29Yet the wrongdoers follow their desires without knowledge. But who can guide whom God leaves astray? They will have no helpers.

30:34To show ingratitude for what We have given them. Indulge yourselves—you will surely know.

30:37Do they not see that God expands the provision for whomever He wills, or restricts it? Surely in this are signs for people who believe.

30:39The usury you practice, seeking thereby to multiply people’s wealth, will not multiply with God. But what you give in charity, desiring God’s approval—these are the multipliers.

30:43So devote yourself to the upright religion, before there comes from God a Day that cannot be averted. On that Day, they will be shocked.

30:48God is He who sends the winds. They stir up clouds. Then He spreads them in the sky as He wills. And He breaks them apart. Then you see rain drops issuing from their midst. Then, when He makes it fall upon whom He wills of His servants, behold, they rejoice.

30:54God is He Who created you weak, then after weakness gave you strength, then after strength gave you weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent.

30:55On the Day when the Hour takes place, the sinners will swear they had stayed but an hour. Thus they were deluded.

30:56But those endowed with knowledge and faith will say, “You remained in God’s Book until the Day of Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know.”

30:57On that Day, the sinners’ excuses will not benefit them, nor will they be excused.

30:58We have cited in this Quran for the people every sort of parable. But even if you bring them a miracle, those who disbelieve will say, “You are nothing but fakers.”