9 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Luqman (Luqman)
31:7And when Our Verses are recited to him, he turns away in pride, as though he did not hear them, as though there is deafness in his ears. So inform him of a painful punishment.
31:12We endowed Luqman with wisdom: “Give thanks to God.” Whoever is appreciative—is appreciative for the benefit of his own soul. And whoever is unappreciative—God is Sufficient and Praiseworthy.
31:13When Luqman said to his son, as he advised him, “O my son, do not associate anything with God, for idolatry is a terrible wrong.”
31:14We have entrusted the human being with the care of his parents. His mother carried him through hardship upon hardship, weaning him in two years. So give thanks to Me, and to your parents. To Me is the destination.
31:15But if they strive to have you associate with Me something of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. But keep them company in this life, in kindness, and follow the path of him who turns to Me. Then to Me is your return; and I will inform you of what you used to do.
31:20Do you not see how God placed at your service everything in the heavens and the earth? How He showered you with His blessings, both outward and inward? Yet among the people is he who argues about God without knowledge, without guidance, and without an enlightening Scripture.
31:23Whoever disbelieves—let not his disbelief sadden you. To Us is their return. Then We will inform them of what they did. God knows what lies within the hearts.
31:31Have you not seen how the ships sail through the sea, by the grace of God, to show you of His wonders? In that are signs for every persevering, thankful person.
31:33O people! Be conscious of your Lord, and dread a Day when no parent can avail his child, nor can a child avail his parent, in anything. The promise of God is true. Therefore, do not let this life deceive you, nor let illusions deceive you regarding God.
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Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
The Holy Quran · Al-Baqara (The Cow) · 2:274