8 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / As-Sajda (The Prostration)

32:6That is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Powerful, the Merciful.

32:10And they say, “When we are lost into the earth, shall we be in a new creation?” In fact, they deny the meeting with their Lord.

32:13Had We willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the declaration from Me will come true: “I will fill Hell with jinn and humans, altogether.”

32:14So taste, because you forgot the meeting of this Day of yours; We have forgotten you; so taste the eternal torment for what you used to do.

32:18Is someone who is faithful like someone who is a sinner? They are not equal.

32:20But as for those who transgressed, their shelter is the Fire. Every time they try to get out of it, they will be brought back into it, and it will be said to them, “Taste the suffering of the Fire which you used to deny.”

32:21We will make them taste the lesser torment, prior to the greater torment, so that they may return.