15 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Saba (Sheba)

34:12And for Solomon the wind—its outward journey was one month, and its return journey was one month. And We made a spring of tar flow for him. And there were sprites that worked under him, by the leave of his Lord. But whoever of them swerved from Our command, We make him taste of the punishment of the Inferno.

34:13They made for him whatever he wished: sanctuaries, statues, bowls like pools, and heavy cauldrons. “O House of David, work with appreciation,” but a few of My servants are appreciative.

34:16But they turned away, so We unleashed against them the flood of the dam; and We substituted their two gardens with two gardens of bitter fruits, thorny shrubs, and meager harvest.

34:17We thus penalized them for their ingratitude. Would We penalize any but the ungrateful?

34:19But they said, “Our Lord, lengthen the distances of our journeys.” They wronged themselves; so We made them history, and We scattered them in every direction. In this are lessons for every steadfast and appreciative person.

34:27Say, “Show me those you have attached to Him as associates. No indeed! But He is God, the Powerful, the Wise.”

34:28We sent you only universally to all people, a herald and warner, but most people do not know.

34:33And those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, “It was your scheming by night and day; as you instructed us to reject God, and to set up rivals to Him.” They will hide their remorse when they see the retribution. We will put yokes around the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be repaid for anything other than what they used to do?

34:36Say, “My Lord spreads out His bounty to whomever He wills, or restricts it; but most people do not know.”

34:37It is neither your wealth nor your children that bring you closer to Us, but it is he who believes and does good deeds. These will have a double reward for what they did; and they will reside in the Chambers, in peace and security.

34:38But those who work against Our revelations, seeking to undermine them—those will be summoned to the punishment.

34:43And when Our enlightening Verses are recited to them, they say, “This is nothing but a man who wants to divert you from what your ancestors used to worship.” And they say, “This is nothing but a fabricated lie.” And when the Truth comes to them, the blasphemers say of the Truth, “This is nothing but plain magic.”

34:44But We gave them no book to study, and We did not send them any warner before you.

34:50Say, “If I err, I err only to my own loss; but if I am guided, it is by what my Lord inspires me. He is Hearing and Near.”

34:52And they say, “We have believed in it.” But how can they attain it from a distant place?