5 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Yaseen (Yaseen)

36:11You warn only him who follows the Message, and fears the Most Gracious inwardly. So give him good news of forgiveness, and a generous reward.

36:23Shall I take other gods instead of Him? If the Merciful desires harm for me, their intercession will not avail me at all, nor will they save me.

36:47And when it is said to them, “Spend of what God has provided for you,” those who disbelieve say to those who believe, “Shall we feed someone whom God could feed, if He so willed? You must be deeply misguided.”

36:67And if We will, We can cripple them in their place; so they can neither move forward, nor go back.

36:74Yet they have taken to themselves gods other than God, that perhaps they may be helped.