11 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Yaseen (Yaseen)

36:9And We placed a barrier in front of them, and a barrier behind them, and We have enshrouded them, so they cannot see.

36:12It is We who revive the dead; and We write down what they have forwarded, and their traces. We have tallied all things in a Clear Record.

36:25I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me.”

36:31Have they not considered how many generations We destroyed before them; and that unto them they will not return?

36:39And the moon: We have disposed it in phases, until it returns like the old twig.

36:52They will say, “Woe to us! Who resurrected us from our resting-place?” This is what the Most Gracious had promised, and the messengers have spoken the truth.”

36:57They will have therein fruits. They will have whatever they call for.

36:71Have they not seen that We created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock that they own?

36:73And they have in them other benefits, and drinks. Will they not give thanks?

36:74Yet they have taken to themselves gods other than God, that perhaps they may be helped.

36:78And he produces arguments against Us, and he forgets his own creation. He says, “Who will revive the bones when they have decayed?”