35 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Yaseen (Yaseen)

36:6To warn a people whose ancestors were not warned, and so they are unaware.

36:7The Word was realized against most of them, for they do not believe.

36:9And We placed a barrier in front of them, and a barrier behind them, and We have enshrouded them, so they cannot see.

36:10It is the same for them, whether you warn them, or do not warn them—they will not believe.

36:15They said, “You are nothing but humans like us, and the Gracious did not send down anything; you are only lying.”

36:16They said, “Our Lord knows that we are messengers to you.

36:18They said, “We see an evil omen in you; if you do not give up, we will stone you, and a painful punishment from us will befall you.”

36:21Follow those who ask you of no wage, and are themselves guided.

36:22“And why should I not worship Him Who created me, and to Whom you will be returned?

36:23Shall I take other gods instead of Him? If the Merciful desires harm for me, their intercession will not avail me at all, nor will they save me.

36:27How my Lord has forgiven me, and made me one of the honored.”

36:28After him, We sent down no hosts from heaven to his people; nor would We ever send any down.

36:30Alas for the servants. No messenger ever came to them, but they ridiculed him.

36:31Have they not considered how many generations We destroyed before them; and that unto them they will not return?

36:35That they may eat from its fruits, although their hands did not make it. Will they not be appreciative?

36:36Glory be to Him who created all the pairs; of what the earth produces, and of their own selves, and of what they do not know.

36:37Another sign for them is the night: We strip the day out of it—and they are in darkness.

36:38And the sun runs towards its destination. Such is the design of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

36:40The sun is not to overtake the moon, nor is the night to outpace the day. Each floats in an orbit.

36:41Another sign for them is that We carried their offspring in the laden Ark.

36:43If We will, We can drown them—with no screaming to be heard from them, nor will they be saved.

36:50They will not be able to make a will, nor will they return to their families.

36:54On that Day, no soul will be wronged in the least, and you will be recompensed only for what you used to do.

36:60Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not serve the devil? That he is your sworn enemy?

36:62He has misled a great multitude of you. Did you not understand?

36:67And if We will, We can cripple them in their place; so they can neither move forward, nor go back.

36:68Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?

36:69We did not teach him poetry, nor is it proper for him. It is only a reminder, and a Clear Quran.

36:71Have they not seen that We created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock that they own?

36:73And they have in them other benefits, and drinks. Will they not give thanks?

36:75They cannot help them, although they are arrayed as troops for them.

36:76So let their words not sadden you. We know what they conceal, and what they reveal.

36:77Does the human being not consider that We created him from a seed? Yet he becomes a fierce adversary.

36:79Say, “He who initiated them in the first instance will revive them. He has knowledge of every creation.”

36:81Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Certainly. He is the Supreme All-Knowing Creator.