16 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / As-Saaffaat (Those drawn up in Ranks)

37:15And they say, “This is nothing but plain magic.

37:20They will say, “Woe to us. This is the Day of Judgment.”

37:21“This is the Day of Separation which you used to deny.

37:60This is the supreme triumph.

37:61For the like of this let the workers work.

37:62Is this a better hospitality, or the Tree of Bitterness?

37:76And We saved him and his family from the great calamity.

37:77And We made his descendants the survivors.

37:83Of his kind was Abraham.

37:84When he came to his Lord with a sound heart.

37:85He said to his father and his people, “What are you worshiping?

37:93Then he turned on them, striking with his right hand.

37:103Then, when they had submitted, and he put his forehead down.

37:106This was certainly an evident test.

37:124He said to his people, “Do you not fear?

37:134We saved him and his family, all of them.