18 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / As-Saaffaat (Those drawn up in Ranks)

37:8They cannot eavesdrop on the Supernal Elite, for they get bombarded from every side.

37:15And they say, “This is nothing but plain magic.

37:25What is the matter with you? Why do you not help one another?

37:27They will come to one another, questioning one another.

37:29They will say, “You yourselves were not believers.

37:44On furnishings, facing one another.

37:50Then they will approach one another, questioning.

37:57Were it not for the grace of my Lord, I would have been among the arraigned.”

37:58“We will not die.

37:59Except for our first death, and we will not be punished.”

37:91Then he turned to their gods, and said, “will you not eat?

37:92What is it with you, that you do not speak?”

37:124He said to his people, “Do you not fear?

37:138And at night. Do you not understand?

37:143Had he not been one of those who praised.

37:155Will you not reflect?

37:162Cannot seduce away from Him.

37:164“There is not one of us but has an assigned position.