26 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Saad (The letter Saad)

38:3How many generations have We destroyed before them? They cried out when it was too late to escape.

38:4And they marveled that a warner has come to them from among them. The disbelievers said, “This is a lying magician.”

38:6The notables among them announced: “Go on, and hold fast to your gods. This is something planned.

38:8Was the message sent down to him, out of all of us?” In fact, they are doubtful of My warning. In fact, they have not yet tasted My punishment.

38:9Or do they possess the treasuries of the mercy of your Lord—the Majestic, the Giver?

38:10Or do they possess the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them ascend the ropes.

38:12Before them the people of Noah denied the truth; as did Aad, and Pharaoh of the Stakes.

38:14None of them but denied the messengers, so My retribution was deserved.

38:16And they say, “Our Lord, hasten Your writ upon us, before the Day of Account.”

38:17Be patient in the face of what they say, and mention Our servant David, the resourceful. He was obedient.

38:21Has the story of the two disputants reached you? When they scaled the sanctuary?

38:22When they entered upon David, and he was startled by them. They said, “Do not fear. Two disputants; one of us has wronged the other; so judge between us fairly, and do not be biased, and guide us to the straight way.”

38:23“This brother of mine has ninety nine ewes, and I have one ewe, and he said, ‘Entrust it to me,’ and he pressured me with words.”

38:24He said, “He has done you wrong by asking your ewe in addition to his ewes. Many partners take advantage of one another, except those who believe and do good deeds, but these are so few.” David realized that We were testing him, so he sought forgiveness from his Lord, and fell down to his knees, and repented.

38:27We did not create the heaven and the earth and everything between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve—so woe to those who disbelieve because of the Fire.

38:30And We granted David, Solomon, an excellent servant. He was penitent.

38:41And mention Our servant Job, when he called out to his Lord, “Satan has afflicted me with hardship and pain.”

38:42“Stamp with your foot—here is cool water to wash with, and to drink.”

38:43And We restored his family for him, and their like with them; as a mercy from Us, and a lesson for those who possess insight.

38:44“Take with your hand a bundle, and strike with it, and do not break your oath.” We found him patient. What an excellent servant! He was obedient.

38:56Hell; in which they will roast; what a miserable abode!

38:57All this. Let them taste it—boiling and bitter cold.

38:69I have no knowledge of the Highest Assembly as they dispute.

38:74Except for Satan. He was too proud, and one of the faithless.

38:77He said, “Then get out of here! You are an outcast!

38:86Say, “I ask of you no wage for this, and I am not a pretender.