21 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Saad (The letter Saad)

38:3How many generations have We destroyed before them? They cried out when it was too late to escape.

38:4And they marveled that a warner has come to them from among them. The disbelievers said, “This is a lying magician.”

38:6The notables among them announced: “Go on, and hold fast to your gods. This is something planned.

38:10Or do they possess the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them ascend the ropes.

38:12Before them the people of Noah denied the truth; as did Aad, and Pharaoh of the Stakes.

38:14None of them but denied the messengers, so My retribution was deserved.

38:22When they entered upon David, and he was startled by them. They said, “Do not fear. Two disputants; one of us has wronged the other; so judge between us fairly, and do not be biased, and guide us to the straight way.”

38:27We did not create the heaven and the earth and everything between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve—so woe to those who disbelieve because of the Fire.

38:33Bring them back to me.” And he began caressing their legs and necks.

38:43And We restored his family for him, and their like with them; as a mercy from Us, and a lesson for those who possess insight.

38:46We distinguished them with a distinct quality: the remembrance of the Home.

38:50The Gardens of Eden, with their doors wide-open for them.

38:52With them will be attendants with modest gaze, of same age.

38:57All this. Let them taste it—boiling and bitter cold.

38:59“This is a crowd rushing headlong with you.” There is no welcome for them. They will be scorched by the Fire.

38:63Did we take them for mockery, or have our eyes swerved from them?

38:66The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; the Mighty, the Forgiver.”

38:73So the angels fell prostrate, all of them.

38:82He said, “By Your majesty, I will seduce them all.

38:83Except for your loyal servants among them.”

38:85I will fill Hell with you, and with every one of them who follows you.”