15 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Az-Zumar (The Groups)

39:3Is not to God that sincere faith is due? As for those who take guardians besides Him, “We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to God.” God will judge between them regarding their differences. God does not guide the lying blasphemer.

39:4If God wanted to have a son, He could have selected from His creation at will. Glory be to Him. He is God, the One, the Prevailing.

39:5He created the heavens and the earth with reason. He wraps the night around the day, and He wraps the day around the night. And He regulates the sun and the moon, each running along a specific course. He is indeed the Almighty, the Forgiver.

39:7If you disbelieve, God is Independent of you, yet He does not approve ingratitude on the part of His servants. And if you are thankful, He will approve that in you. No bearer of burden can bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return; and He will inform you of what you used to do. He is aware of what the hearts contain.

39:13Say, “I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the punishment of a horrendous Day.”

39:22What about someone whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he follows a light from His Lord? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the mention of God. Those are in manifest error.

39:26God made them taste disgrace in the present life, but the punishment of the Hereafter is worse, if they only knew.

39:33But he who promotes the truth, and testifies to it—these are the righteous.

39:38And if you asked them, “Who created the heavens and the earth?” they would say, “God.” Say, “Have you seen those you pray to instead of God? If God willed any harm for me, can they lift His harm? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they hold back His mercy?” Say, “God suffices for me. On Him the reliant rely.”

39:46Say, “Our God, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations. You will judge between your servants regarding what they had differed about.”

39:47If those who did wrong owned everything on earth, and the like of it with it, they would redeem themselves with it from the terrible suffering on the Day of Resurrection. But there will appear to them from God what they never anticipated.

39:58Or say, when it sees the penalty, “If only I had another chance, I would be of the virtuous.”

39:65It was revealed to you, and to those before you, that if you idolize, your works will be in vain, and you will be of the losers.

39:71Those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in throngs. Until, when they have reached it, and its gates are opened, its keepers will say to them, “Did not messengers from among you come to you, reciting to you the revelations of your Lord, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?” They will say, “Yes, but the verdict of punishment is justified against the disbelievers.”

39:75And you will see the angels hovering around the Throne, glorifying their Lord with praise. And it will be judged between them equitably, and it will be said, “Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.”