4 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Az-Zumar (The Groups)

39:29God cites the example of a man shared by partners at odds, and a man belonging exclusively to one man. Are they equal in status? Praise be to God, but most of them do not know.

39:48There will appear to them the evils of their deeds, and they will be surrounded by what they used to ridicule.

39:49When adversity touches the human being, he calls on Us. But then, when We favor him with a blessing from Us, he says, “I have attained this by virtue of my knowledge.” However, it is a test, but most of them do not know.

39:51The evils of their deeds caught up with them. And the wrongdoers among these will also be afflicted by the evils of what they earned, and they cannot prevent it.