10 verses have
in Edition Clear Qur'an by Talal Itani / Ghafir (The Forgiver)

40:25Then, when he came to them with the truth from Us, they said, “Kill the sons of those who have believed with him, and spare their daughters.” But the scheming of the unbelievers can only go astray.

40:28A believing man from Pharaoh's family, who had concealed his faith, said, “Are you going to kill a man for saying, `My Lord is God,’ and he has brought you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, his lying will rebound upon him; but if he is truthful, then some of what he promises you will befall you. God does not guide the extravagant imposter.

40:47As they quarrel in the Fire, the weak will say to those who were arrogant, “We were followers of yours; will you then spare us a portion of the Fire?”

40:50They will say, “Did not your messengers come to you with clear signs?” They will say, “Yes.” They will say, “Then pray, but the prayers of the disbelievers will always be in vain.”

40:67It is He who created you from dust, then from a seed, then from an embryo, then He brings you out as an infant, then He lets you reach your maturity, then you become elderly—although some of you die sooner—so that you may reach a predetermined age, so that you may understand.

40:72Into the boiling water, then in the Fire they will be consumed.

40:73Then it will be said to them, “Where are those you used to deify?

40:78We sent messengers before you. Some of them We told you about, and some We did not tell you about. No messenger can bring a miracle except by leave of God. Then, when the command of God is issued, fair judgment will be passed, and there and then the seekers of vanity will lose.

40:84Then, when they witnessed Our might, they said, “We believe in God alone, and we reject what we used to associate with Him.”

40:85But their faith could not help them once they witnessed Our might. This has been God’s way of dealing with His servants. And there and then the disbelievers lost.